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Updated: Apr 20, 2023

April 21st-May 14th

The second of four Mercury retrograde transits this year is upon us. All of them are predominantly occurring in Earth signs, which is excellent manifestation energy. The ability to put a plan into action as thoughts come to fruition post-shadow (after May 31st), is the gift of this Earth element.

Mercury will station retrograde at 15 degrees of Taurus and in conjunction with Uranus at 17 degrees in the same sign.

Mercury is the only neutral planet. The shapeshifter and messenger God that can traverse the dark and the light, the Yin and the Yang, with equal ease. Acknowledged as Hermes in mythology, it was the mediator between earthly and spiritual realms, the living and the dead.

Mercury rules both Gemini and Virgo, signs of conscious thoughts, and how we communicate them. The retrograde transit symbolically allows the androgynous planet to travel to the underworld in search of unknown and/or forgotten information, then emerges with new insights to assist us in formulating the necessary details for future plans.

Depending on your personal Mercury placement, the retro phase can bring challenges in travel, technology, and talking. It is a time to revisit, review, and revamp our ideas. We can realize any missed steps during this time period.

If you have Mercury retrograde in your natal chart (like me), this can be a comfort zone. A time to easily and effectively dot the i's and cross the t's.

Because Mercury is conjunct Uranus in its pre-retrograde standstill, our intuition is heightened during this phase. Uranus is the higher octave of Mercury. Mercury rules our human conscious mind, and Uranus, the elevated cosmic consciousness, which can operate above the human ego. Taurus, ruled by Venus, governs all of our physical senses. We can trust what our body is telling us with this transit. In fact, Mercury and Venus are transiting each other's signs, creating an energy of mutual receptivity. Body and mind working in tandem.

This retrograde in the realm of Taurus, where the North Node has been transiting since January 2022, and Uranus since 2018, we can review if we have liberated ourselves into an alignment with our true values. Have we made radical shifts to move toward our desired future fulfillment and self-sustainability? If not, we can come up with an implementable plan at this point. Remember, destiny is at play; think it through!

As Mercury retrogrades through typically steadfast Taurean terrain, keep in mind this area has been under the influence of disruptive Uranian energy for almost five years. This transit can bring unexpected, sudden, and shocking news around themes of agriculture, romance, resources, and the physical body. Add to the mix, Mercury stations retro in the intense energies of the Aries New Moon rare Hybrid Solar Eclipse! This indicates some areas of personal stability may suddenly be removed. It behooves us to formulate a long-term plan that promotes our abilities to not merely survive, but to thrive! We can potentially come out on the other side of this transit future prepared. With the Aries influence, this is a "To thine own self be true" influenced retrograde. Look to what house Taurus occupies in your personal chart to better understand what area of your life will be affected and influenced by this Mercury retrograde transit.

Mercury Retrograde



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