The Luckiest Day Of The Year!

Rare blessings abound on April 11th as the two benefic planets set the stage for big power plays and the creation of stellar abundant opportunities. The annual conjoining of the Sun and Jupiter is coined one of the luckiest days of the year. Jupiter is the most beneficial planet in our solar system, and the Sun represents the fire of our inner Spirit. The big gas giant kisses our galaxy star at 21° of the Cardinal fire sign Aries.
This magical aspect is happening on the heels of a Jupiter/Chiron conjunction, followed by a Sun/Chiron conjunction, empowering our Wounded Healer in the sign of self. Jupiter meets up with Chiron about every 12 to 14 years, however this has not occurred in the sign of Aries for almost 50 years! The last time this aspect happened was in 1976, so we can expect the new leaders, teachers, and creators to show up on the timeline. At a personal level, we are supported in amplifying the higher truth of our own desires. We can stops playing small! Personal gifts may be presented under the energies of this aspect, yet we are responsible for initiating our own luck.
Also on the 11th, the lesser benefic, Venus, will create a supportive trine to Pluto at 0° of Aquarius just prior to her ingress into Gemini. This is the third connection to Pluto who is newly arrived in the progressive Air sign of Aquarius however, this is the first one that is harmonious. Lady luck and the Lord of the underworld are both in Air signs. These two are intense, sparking an intellectual awareness of the new connections coming in. Significant indicators and insights of Pluto's impending 20 year journey through Aquarius (ushering humanity into a new age) are the possibility of this aspect. Venus hasn't met up with Pluto in Aquarius for about 250 years. New soul contracts show up on the personal timeline. Partners arrive that are here to support us in our future expansion inwardly and outwardly; with our individual projects of growth and our collective connections.
Do you believe in magic, miracles, and your ability to create abundance? Where are these beneficial aspects occurring in your chart?
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