The Begining of The Age of Aquarius: March 2023

IT'S A PROCESS! Pluto is in the final degrees of Capricorn preparing to move into Aquarius. Within 8 months, this dissolving of outdated past structures which occurs in stoic Capricorn (the old authority) will not happen again in our lifetime. Since 2008 the truth of what no longer supports a progressive Aquarian age has been being brought to our awareness.
On March the 23rd Pluto moves into Aquarius for the first time since the 18th Century. The Age of Aquarius is a process and we will spend the next 20 years acclimating to it. After moving direct in the futuristic sign until May 1st of 2023, Pluto will station retrograde at 0° of Aquarius, a degree of pure potentiality, and move back into the late degrees of Capricorn for the final cleanup and closure. Pluto will then station direct on June 11th, 2023. On January 21, 2024, Pluto then returns to Aquarius where it will remain and transit through 2044!
Aquarius is a fixed air sign. It will take the powerful transformation of Pluto to change our thinking, as we shift into a radical new societal understanding. 2023 is a foreshadowing of what the future holds. It will behoove us to tap into our own higher truth of cosmic consciousness and remain open-minded to radical possibilities. Pluto's biggest asset is the ability to assist us with letting go of fixed ideas regarding what the next twenty years will hold. For some of us, that is the rest of our lives! What houses does Aquarius occupy in your chart? Expect extreme reform to occur in this area!
