Weekly Horoscope 5/22-5/28

The Mars ingress into the regal Fire sign of Leo on 5/20 coincides with the Sun moving into the Air sign of Gemini, kicking off Gemini season on 5/21. Learn a new love language. Master the art of cross-pollination. Let your thoughts take form in the physical. There is indeed a sapiosexual undertone to this spicy transit. The Sun in Gemini creates a supportive sextile to Mars in Leo on the 22nd at 0° of the respective signs. The point of pure potentiality! Think before you act, keep the ego in check!
5/21: The Sun at zero degrees of Gemini creates a trine to Pluto at zero degrees of Aquarius, The light and the dark connect. Pluto is the farthest planet from our galaxy star. This positive aspect represents the archetypal characteristics of the sign of Gemini and the duality that exists within us all. How can we create a symbiotic flow that supports both in a positive way?
5/22: The Gemini Sun connects to Mars in Leo by means of a supportive sextile. An aligning of our inner conscious self with our ego identity. Authentic self-expression comes easily from a place of passion and sovereignty. Remain mindful of motives and engage filters to avoid pompous boasting.
5/23: Mars in Leo will square Jupiter in Taurus at 1 degree of the respective signs. With the planet of drive and ambition having to reconcile grand expressions of our personal values, taking a stand can create tension. Check motives to avoid power plays of hyperreactivity or attention-seeking behavior.
5/24: Venus in Cancer creates an exact square to Chiron in Aries at 18 degrees. Emotions may stir as we are faced with our inner triggers. Mars and the Sun will also interact with the Wounded Healer today illuminating the underlying cause of residual pain and reactivity. A great day for self-awareness and healing. (Mars is opposing Pluto, creating a fixed grand square to the karmic nodes-what lessons no longer need repeating?)
5/25: No major aspects however, there is a minor energy at play as the Gemini Sun semi-squares Venus in Cancer. Air and Water, mind and emotions. On the tail o the Venus/Chiron square, issues of romance and resources can come into play. Think it through but avoid the hamster on the wheel who could get sucked into an emotional cesspool.
5/26: Venus in Cancer creates a sextile to Uranus at 19 degrees in her ruling sign of Taurus. This allows us to see the big picture regarding love, money, and emotional fulfillment. Uranus allows the higher mind to operate above the human ego which can provide an unorthodox, yet radical shift in these areas. Mars in Leo will square the North Node at 3 degrees of Taurus. What action can we take to create the future we desire? Destiny is at play!
5/27: Jupiter is conjoined with the North Node in Taurus! (this perfects at 3 degrees on 6/1). Big abundance begins. Jupiter is bringing tangible resources for growth and expansion for the next 12 months as the gas giant transits through the grounded earth sign of Taurus. All which serve to support the higher truth of personal freedom and individual sustainability.
5/28: The Sun in Gemini will square Saturn in Pisces, at 6 degrees of the signs. As our self-identity is in this challenging aspect to the Lord of Karma, we could feel limitations and/or slowdowns on our spark of ideas. To avoid frustration, focus on the task at hand that will lead to lasting endeavors. One at a time! Gemini energy is multi-faceted and likes to explore a great many activities of vastly different thought processes. Both the Sun and Saturn are in mutable signs, so remain movable as opposed to rigidity. This too shall pass. A great time to try a different approach to old problems.