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Weekly Astro 11/18-11/24: the prize of pressure


Updated: Nov 19, 2024

We move into this week in the wake of the Taurus Full Moon conjunct Uranus and Algol while Saturn simultaneously stationed direct in Pisces. And this week Pluto moves into Aquarius! We enter a new era as a collective, ready to do the unified work to vibrate higher in this material plane. It would behoove us all to be very sober-minded this week and beyond, which the aspects are supporting in stellar fashion!

  • Nov. 18th- Mercury in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter retrograde in Gemini at 18 degrees. The pearls of wisdom can be found by exploring the truth as others see it.

  • Nov. 18th- Sun in Scorpio creates a Water trine to Neptune retrograde in Pisces at 27 degrees. The hidden magic of hidden realms becomes visible; heightened intuition.

  • Nov. 19th- Mercury in Sagittarius creates a Fire trine to Chiron retrograde in Aries at 19 degrees. Free yourself from the shackles of your mind; explore the road less traveled.

  • Nov. 19th- PLUTO ENTER AQUARIUS! Your Soul Tribe is forming, and together we can serve to create a world where the impossible becomes possible over the next 20 years!

  • Nov. 21st- Sun enters Sagittarius and creates a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius at 0 degrees. There is no sky, there is no limit! SAGITTARIUS SEASON shifts us from deep feels to fire.

  • Nov. 22nd- Venus in Capricorn sextile Saturn direct in Pisces at 12 degrees. Last Quarter Moon. Review the value of personal and professional contracts; long-term support only.

  • Nov. 23rd- Mars in Leo creates a Fire trine to the North Node in Aries at 4 degrees. It's go time. Create the life you desire with courage, but take your time. (Mars retro is soon).

KEY: Saturn and Sobriety

How are we doing after the potent Taurus Full Moon? The energies are clearly continuing to unfold and I would like to touch on one area, which is addiction. The Full Moon on the 15th was conjunct Uranus and the fixed star Algol, which occurred as stoic Saturn was leaving retrograde in the sign of Pisces. Algol is often associated with alcohol and specifically the dark Spirits that the portal opens us up to when we engage. Pisces is known as the realm of illusion. It is nebulous and can be dangerous. It is the sign of escapism. Saturn has been reviewing what our responsibility is to face and move beyond those things that take us out of here and now in unhealthy measures. There are beneficial pathways available to broaden our Spiritual connection however, when anything exceeds its intended purpose, it is at that point it can cause self-delusion and self-sabotage.

As Saturn moves direct in Pisces, getting closer towards Neptune retrograde which is in the final degrees of its ruling sign in Pisces, we are now supported in taking a serious look at the consequences of any area of unhealthy escapism. Neptune retrograde is reviewing the fantasy behind the fog. This theme of solid spiritual support in terms of moving into 2025 very sober-minded is echoed with the North Node transiting Aries for the last 16 months, traveling with Chiron, our wounded healer and identity. We have had many healing connections to Chiron in this nodal transit that serves to propel us beyond addictive escapism tendencies that lessen our power. What intentions were set into place during the Scorpio New Moon on Nov. 1st with the Sun and Moon both square to Mars and Pluto? The Mars-Pluto ongoing opposition represents our personal power and the ability to transform regardless of our outer circumstances. We can do this at our own pace. Mars is spending a long transit, including an upcoming retrograde, in the signs ruled by the luminaries, Cancer and Leo respectively. What came to a head during the recent Taurus Full Moon on the 15th with the Earth Moon opposing the Sun in Water Scorpio? Are our emotions supporting a fulfilled life? Get busy living, or get busy dying. Scorpio also governs addictions, the pain that we hide in the depths of our psyche while swimming through our fears. The Full Moon conjoined with Uranus and ALGOL on the same day that Saturn stationed Direct could provide the sudden ability to pivot; to take a radical approach of reaching higher planes of awareness. This new path could radically upgrade us to a higher frequency of true connection. A very sober-minded possibility if you will. It would not surprise me if 2025 is the year where sober becomes the new cool. We are all seeking a real Spiritual belief system that will stabilize and support us for the long haul. No more false prophets! Uranus is way ahead of the curve, so why not catch that carpet magic ride!?!


1 Comment

Nov 19, 2024

Thanks Dawn, great post.

Very inspirational.

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