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VIRGO SEASON-virtues and vision


I may have been a bit critical in describing the eminent archetypal attributes of Virgo in my IG Virgo season post. I described the virtuous sign of the critical thinker as a judgemental martyr. This can be true however, with my South node in Virgo, I also deeply understand the signs' ability to tap into ancient Earth wisdom and natural healing on a shamanic level. As with either of the Mercurial ruled signs, there is a duality of expression and presentation. Also, with Venus currently transiting the Mutable Earth sign, this season can be a detailed introspection of our physical desires and ability to operate from an abundance mindset, or it can be one picky bitch hellbent on dissecting away a beneficial potential. However, I love Virgo energy, which when operating its highest expression is known to search for the healthiest existence possible and execute a plan to bring it into existence. This seriously detail-oriented, super-intelligent sign is vastly adept in the exploration and discovery of all of our working parts. Also ruled by Mercury, think of Virgo as a perfection-seeking rigid Gemini!

The Season begins with Venus in the sign of Virgo, where Lady Luck will square off against Mars (spicy), create a trine to Uranus in her home sign of Taurus (radical shift), and oppose Neptune in Pisces (reality check) as she completes her travels in fellow Earth sign. Venus will then leave the meticulous field of Virgo and ingress into Libra on August 29th, immediately creating a powerful Air trine to Pluto at 0° of Aquarius. Heart and mind are intently set on seeking balance, evoking upgrades, and future fulfillment. Mercury, the sign's ruler, had a conjunction with Venus in the sign of Virgo on August 7th and then began to retrograde back into Leo, meaning the information Mercury is set on revealing is directly related to implementing and integrating a new narrative according to our realized values in terms of living a life of heart-centered abundance.

As Mercury returns home to Virgo, the Messenger God will create a Fire trine to Chiron in Aries and a supportive sextile to Mars in Gemini, also ruled by Mercury. Just as the Shapeshifter stations direct it establishes a second trine to Chiron in Aries (actualizing abilities), and a subsequent square to Uranus in Taurus, following in the path of Venus. Mercury will ingress back into its ruling sign of Virgo on September 8th and into exaltation. A time to trust our thinking. Mercury continues to communicate with Mars in Gemini, will oppose Saturn in Pisces, and square off against Jupiter. All of this means there is a seriousness to our movement going forward. It is about operating in the higher truth of purpose at this point.

The Virgo New Moon on September 3rd conjoined with the Sun sets a significant opening for a new cycle of intention. Ultimately Mercury will create a square to Jupiter and Mars as it moves through its home territory, asking us to turn a corner in our path to progress. (Virgo pro tip: progress is always stalled in the pursuit of perfection.) Eventually, the miraculous sign of duality will create a positive Earth trine to Uranus in Taurus, meaning we could truly be ready for more (allow yourself to receive). The final trine to Pluto in Aquarius can provide the power to break on through to the other side, which may be the "better" side.

Virgo archetypically represents the duality that exists within us all due to being ruled by the neutral planet Mercury. Similar to Gemini, but with a more directed seriousness. Virgo is known to explore the highest vibration of healthiness, yet also entertain a surprisingly stealthy ability to explore its erotic physicality, albeit secretly. The merging of the mental and physical plane is an understood necessity when exploring the vastness of the archetypal Virgo influences. What can we investigate and discover that will bring us to a place of more supportive physiological presence from this point on? Virgo natives have a beyond-stealthy ability to advise others on a more appropriate expression of habits, including cleanliness, work ethic, and eating habits. However, with Venus and Mercury retrograde working in tandem before and throughout this season, these energies could now more appropriately be reflected inward. This Virgo Season is a prime opportunity to strengthen our capabilities, therefore allowing us to be of greater service to others. The highest attributes of Virgo when evolved can access profound mental and physical healing, which is often delivered through their magical hands. Our future duties are found in the details, have eyes to see and ears to hear.

A notable improvement of the Virgo vibration becomes palpable when Mercury stations direct and Venus moves into Libra, seeking to rebalance based on the information acquired. The Sun illuminates the power of revolution and resurrection of all the parts required to grow as our galaxy star harmoniously works with Uranus and Pluto. As the stellar season comes to a close, our routines are being reinvented and we can become seriously set on integrating these healthy changes.

-what habits no lover serve to support our overall health?

-are we ready to release duties that are no longer of value?

-what position are we now ready to change our mind about?

Mental bonus:

-why is the Hermit card a representation of Virgo in the Tarot?




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