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The Virgo New Moon occurs on the 14th, when the Sun and Moon meet at 22° of the mutuable Earth sign. Every new lunar cycle marks a time of setting new intentions relative to the archetypal energies which represented in the lunation. This one has quite a lot!

Virgo is the proverbial worker bee of the zodiac, governs the 6th house of health and wellness, the job sector, and our service to others. On a deeper level, Virgo is the natural healer, the nurse, medicine man, and the ancient shaman.

Mercury is the ruler of this New Moon, which is consequently retrograde in its home sign of Virgo, and stations direct at 8° on the 15th, within hours of this lunation. Since Mercury represents the messenger God, this exaltated station will certainly reveal some useful pearls of wisdom. Detailed information to assist us in perfecting our intentions moving forward.

This retrograde of Mercury is giving off the proverbial Hermit card tarot vibe, which is the card for Virgo. A transit of going within, to dissect and disseminate the facts of what actually supports our mental, physical, and spiritual healthiness; and to release what doesn't! Mercury will still be in its shadow, holding the hermit's lantern of wisdom until September 30th. Therefore, It will be the beginning of October before we can really concisely integrate our intentions with full clarity.

We will be receiving stellar assistance during this New Moon which creates a Grand Earth trine to Uranus/Jupiter in Taurus, and Pluto in Capricorn. Providing an uninterrupted spiritual support of grounding energies that can be utilized in this material world. The luminaries are positively aspecting these outer planets, and all of them are currently in retrograde. The trine to Uranus and Jupiter in the Taurus area serves to allow our higher mind to suddenly shake off people, places, or things that aren't of benefit, of value, or suporting our personal mental and physical health. The Pluto in Capricorn area of the trine is allowing us to dissolve old systems, traditions, and outdated structures that quite frankly disempower our projected efforts at this point. Earth wisdom can emerge as judgemental or critical, but keep in mind that this pragmatic attention to the details, along with elimination and planning, ultimately allows us to be of better service to others and ourselves. Efficiently, and more effectively.

🗝️ Intend to rapidly release what doesn't support the plan of focus moving forward.



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