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VENUS in Pisces: a miracle in the making


Updated: Jan 6

Venus, the Goddess of Love, moves into the dreamy water sign of Pisces on January 2nd, 2025. Lady luck and her attributes of attraction and manifestation of desires are exalted in the fog of nebulous wonder. Venus will immediately create an inconjunct to her Cosmic Lover Mars, retrograde at 0 degrees Aries upon entry, signaling a need for adjustment in the historically illusory romantic connections that tend to form during this transit. Saturn is also now moving direct through Pisces which provides a no-nonsense approach to romance and resources this time around. Venus has the ability to make our dreams a reality, but it will take some time due to her retrograde in March.

Venus will ingress into the Mars-ruled Fire sign of Aries on February 4th, intent on activating her passions and obtaining her driven desires. But just before the path is cleared, Venus will pause to reconsider her values. The retrograde phase begins in Aries on March 1st, she will re-enter Pisces on March 27th until she stations direct in the realm of Divine inspiration on April 12th. Now prepared to move forward and initiate the desires of her heart (and body) in Aries.

Venus in Pisces is always a fairytale of sorts; a fleeting grasp at the desires and dreams that are somewhere in a realm just beyond our physical reach. Perhaps Saturn's placement in Pisces, moving toward Neptune (the ruler of Pisces) can create something we can believe in. Something solid. The higher vibration of this transitory propensity towards escapism and self-illusory means of fulfillment can supply our imagination with creative possibilities. Seek what inspires, move towards the muse, and cultivate the creativity. This extended transit can be the embodiment of compassionate exchange and a softening of expression. And it could last. The physical senses that Venus governs will be heightened in the mystical realm of Pisces. Tune in to the subtleties of Spirit and follow the flow state of the inner intuitive compass.

Let us keep in mind that the North Node of Destiny moves into Pisces on January 11th, 2025 where it will transit through for the next 19 months. Conversely, the South Node of karmic past comfort zone will be moving through the Mercurial ruled sign of Virgo, a reminder to release attachment to the outcome. The details do not have to make sense, this is about embracing the flow state. Trust where you are being guided.

Key transit dates:

January 2nd- Venus enters Pisces- the making of magic

January 3rd- Venus quincunx Mars Rx at 1 degree- eliminate what is not of value

January 14th- Venus square Jupiter Rx in Gemini at 12 degrees- reconsider the tribe

January 18th- Venus conjunct Saturn at 1 degree Pisces- commit to your dreams

January 19th- Venus in Pisces sextile Mercury in Capricorn at 16 degrees- say what you feel

January 25th- Venus in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer at 22 degrees- comforting connection

January 26th- Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus Rx in Taurus- unexpected change/upgrades

February 1st- Venus conjunct Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces- heaven and earth collide

February 1st- Venus conjunct the North Node at 28 degrees Pisces- desire meets destiny

February 4th- Venus enters Aries- leaves Aries on March 29th, retrogrades back into Pisces

March 21st- Venus in Aries sextile Pluto in Aquarius at 3 degrees- revolutionize sacred union

March 22nd- Venus conjoins the Sun at 2 degrees Aries- shine bright like a diamond/Cazimi

March 27th- Venus re-enters Pisces, conjunct Neptune at 29 degrees- the old dream is done

April 1st- Venus conjunct the North Node at 27 degrees Pisces- take the bull by the horns

April 6th- Venus in Pisces trine Mars in Cancer at 25 degrees- emotional rescue/cosmic love

April 7th- Venus conjunct Saturn in Pisces at 25 degrees- ability to bring visions to fruition

April 8th- Venus in Pisces sextile Uranus direct in Taurus at 25 degrees- higher frequency life

April 12t- Venus stations direct at 25 degrees Pisces- limitless possibilities for inspired living



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