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VENUS in Libra: empowered homecoming


VENUS opposed Neptune just prior to entering into her ruling sign of Libra. (reality check). Typically, Venus in Libra seeks peacefulness to the point of personal compromise when it comes to connection and conversation. Mercury, the Messenger God of conversation, has just stationed direct and is on the heels of Lady Luck, preparing to leave Leo and move back into its ruling sign of Virgo (sovereign power to be integrated).

There are a few key components at play that indicate this Venus transit will hit differently. The lunar south node and Black Moon Lilith are in Libra calling for a release of any intimate relationships that do not value our position. (triple conjunction of Venus/BML/South node on 9/4). The Goddess of love will still choose cooperation however, a peaceful interplay is now contingent on the truth. Venus immediately creates a powerful Air trine to Pluto at the cusp of Aquarius and Capricorn meaning she is indeed moving differently this time. The strength to crumble any remaining house of cards is super supported.

This is Libra/Venus with a backbone that will no longer be bullied!

-Where is chaos and destruction challenging you to create something new and beautiful?


Key Venus aspects in Libra: 8/29 through 9/22

8/29: Venus in Libra creates an Air trine to Pluto at zero degrees Aquarius

9/04: Venus, Black Moon Lilith, and the South Node conjoin at 6 degrees (triple conjunction)

9/11: Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 15 degrees of the signs

9/15: Venus creates an Air trine to Jupiter in Gemini at 20 degrees of the signs (the benefics)

9/16: Venus opposes Chiron retrograde in Aries at 22 degrees (critical- use it or lose it)

9/20: Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 27 degrees (Venus ruled)

9/21: Venus quincunx (inconjunct) Neptune retrograde in Pisces at 28 degrees

9/22: Venus ingresses into Scorpio

-A quincunx is considered the eliminator aspect: what can you remove that is preventing the connection of the two planets and two signs represented?



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