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Venus, the Goddess of beauty, grace, harmony, and justice moves into one of her ruling signs on November 4th where she will stay in the Cardinal Air sign of Libra through December 8th. But not before she spends a week in Virgo opposite the dream-inspired fantasy planet of Neptune, and harmoniously trining Pluto in Capricorn. This precursor to personal power and true balance in relationships sets the tone for operating from a place of self-worth, especially as Venus travels through Libra and comes closer to the South Node. We now potentially become more able to have healthy boundaries and release old patterns in intimate partnerships that no longer feel appropriately reciprocating.

When I think of rebalancing our relationship to resources and money, I lean more towards Venus in Taurus, however, even in Libra Venus is showing us what interrelational abundance could potentially become. This transit of Lady Luck being initiated in Scorpio season really helps us to get to the heart of the matter and goes far deeper than the aesthetic appeal that Libra typically seeks. Venus in Libra thrives and therefore operates with far greater ease than her preceding stent in the mental energies of Virgo. We may now become less critical and more self-aware. After all, a true, healthy, and harmonious relationship with another human being on an intimate level can only occur when we are first or capable of finding that balance within ourselves.

What area of your chart does Venus occupy? Expect a leveling up of value in this area. If you have Venus in Libra natally, this transit initiates Your annual Venus return, yet this year with the South Node of release there to help you (us) to finally make long overdue decisions that align with what you truly desire.



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