VENUS IN CAPRICORN~The Mastery of fulfilling partnerships

Venus leaves the fun-loving Fire sign of Sagittarius and ingresses into the serious Earth sign of Capricorn on January 23rd. The Goddess of love will be defining/redefining the structures of our relationships through February 16th. Long-term stability in romance and financial resources is what Lady Luck will be seeking throughout this transit. Think of it as the board meeting in the bedroom!
A period of release regarding partnerships that no longer offer us long-term structures of abundance, and a seeking of those that do is the potential. How are you attracting love and money into your life? No fleeting fancy will do here. This version of Venus is looking for rock solid, and will commit to nothing less! It is an excellent time to consider long-term goals as we embrace our desire to connect with those who share the same values or can assist us in our pursuits for perfection. A concentration on permanent security now becomes the focus of the heart.
Two key dates worth mentioning during this Venusian escapade through stoic Capricorn are January 28th and February 13th. On the 28th Venus will be in a supportive sextile to Saturn in Pisces at 1°, allowing us to set our sights on what seriously inspires us. Later on the same day, Venus then creates an Earth trine to Jupiter in Taurus, the sign that Venus rules. This connection between the two benefic planets, Venus and Jupiter, supplies a lot of promise. If you can pinpoint your vision, then Jupiter can provide the material resources to bring it to fruition. An aspect of monumental manifestation and boundless blessings in terms of personal growth. Then, just before leaving Capricorn, the planet of love, beauty, and our physical desires will perfect her dreamy dance with Neptune in its ruling sign Pisces, in the form of a sextile, on February 13th. Our divine inspirations now meet with real-time embodiment. This connection is akin to bringing heaven down to earth, contingent of course on our ability to do the hard work.
We will certainly want to remain mindful of our spending habits and romantic endeavors during this time. There are serious, long-term implications for any of our actions in these areas. Venus will be traveling through Saturn-ruled territory, meaning that we do not want to create any more unnecessary Karma. We can focus on mastering our skills that support more meaningful romantic connections as well as business partnerships. So basically, mastery of self supports our ability to show up more effectively and abundantly in our relationships.
Look to the house or houses occupied by Capricorn in Your personal chart to see the areas of archetypal influence. It is of the utmost importance to align with our values and to not compromise ourselves as we endeavor to create long-term security. Anything worth having is worth working for!
"Naught's had, all's spent, where our desire is got without content." -Lady Macbeth
('tis safer to be that which we destroy than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy)