VENUS IN CANCER- Radical Self Care 5/7-6/5
Venus, the Goddess of love, beauty, and grace, moves into the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer. She is following the heels of her cosmic lover Mars, who has been moving through the sign, and she is intent on softening any emotional detriment he has stirred up. We can expect an increase in sensitivity as Lady Luck transits through the home of Lady Luna. She lovingly caresses the sharp edges Mars has created. Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and the Moon rules our emotions. Since Venus rules all of our physical senses, this journey can tap into the intuitive messages around emotional healing through what is revealed; how our body literally responds. This is an excellent time to course correct any clinginess,attachment issues and become our own emotional comforter. The desire to be with those that nurture us
and feel like family will be enhanced for the next four weeks. The tenderness of Taurus is saturated under the influence of cozy Cancer. Make that delicious meal. Stop and smell the flowers in your yard, and plant a kiss on that person that you adore, but most importantly, we can honor this time by showing ourselves the same softness and care a dedicated Mother would give to her own child.
As soon as Venus ingress into Cancer, she creates an inconjunct (quincunx) to Pluto at zero degrees of Aquarius. An adjustment between personal comfort and the outward connection is being required. Then on the 11th, Lady Luck will sextile the lunar North Node in her home sign of Taurus. A supportive connection to future fulfillment and a desire to commune with others we consider part of our inner sanctum is highlighted. Start a legacy of building memories with a family of choice. This cooperative vibe is enhanced as Venus connects with Mercury retrograde on the 12th in the form of a sextile. It may be more comfortable to hold
space for others to express their feelings. A deeper understanding of past relationships is possible as well as their implications on our current emotional needs.
By the 13th, Venus at 6 degrees forms a positive Water trine to Saturn in Pisces. Assuming responsibility for our own feelings can help to strengthen our relationships. This could be the board meeting in the bedroom as romance is examined for its long-term stability. Are our emotional needs being met? Are we fulfilling those of our partner? Excellent energy for taking the relationship to the next level. A very Taurean practical approach to commitment, coupled with tenderness and sincerity is the possibility of this aspect. Watch for overreacting as Venus all up in her feels, creates a square to our Wounded Healer Chiron, in the ego-driven sign of Aries. A great time to embrace healthy attachments and also activate our ability to heal ourselves. The healthier we are, the healthier all of our personal emotional connections can become.
On May 26th, Venus connects to her home sign again, in the form of a sextile to Uranus in Taurus. Future-focused epiphanies can come in as our higher mind shifts us into otherworldly possibilities. Remain open-minded to bonding with those that are far from the usual. Learn a new love language or a radical new approach to creating a sacred union! The final pertinent aspect of the transit occurs on June 2nd as Venus at 27 degrees of Cancer creates a Water trine to Neptune in Pisces. "Take me to church" is the frequency of this super Spiritual and immensely intimate time. Watch for illusory ideals regarding romance and resources. An inpouring of Divine inspiration and creativity can accompany this divine aspect. Venus will move into Leo on June 5th, where she will slow down for a sovereign heart check-in as she retrogrades in the regal sign, from July 22nd through September 3rd.
