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VENUS conjunct SATURN in Pisces-secure the desires


On Friday, January 17th, the Sun in Capricorn creates a sextile to Neptune in Pisces at 27°, and then on the 18th, a sextile to the North Node newly arrived in Pisces at 29°. Our galaxy star is completing its transit through the security-seeking Earth sign and preparing to ingress into open-minded Aquarius on the 19th, but not before illuminating the magical possibilities at play. The Sun is setting the stage for Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, which is now transiting direct through Pisces.

Yes, there is always a seriousness associated with Saturn, but in dreamy Pisces, there is a signature of the miraculous brewing in the background. We have the ability to access the dream world and tap into the divine in inspiration and creativity. Right now the material and spiritual realms are intermingled. We may feel like our dream state is spilling over into our awakened world. The veil is thin now allowing one foot in the mundane and one foot in the magical. Can we bring Heaven down to Earth?

On January 18th Venus in Pisces conjoins Saturn at 16° allowing the Goddess of Love and the Father of Time to work in tandem; congruently. This stellar conjunction initiates a new Venus/Saturn cycle which typically lasts for 9 to 14 months. Venus will be moving into Aries and then will retrograde from March 1st to April 12th, moving back into Pisces to continue her dance with Saturn. They will be spending quite a bit of time together, asking us to be intentional about what we commit to. Our values in love and money, romance, resources, self-worth, and self-sustainability could gain some serious footing. Saturn is the fact checker here, asking if our desires are viable. Lady Luck is intent on securing her desires.

On the 19th, Mercury, also in Capricorn, creates a sextile to the Venus/Saturn conjunction. Discernment is key. We are supported in accessing the miraculous while also ensuring that we are not self-deluding. Mercury in this stoic position is giving us the ability to see things as they are, but it also behooves us to see what they could be as well.


On a personal note and from my perspective as a double Venus-ruled native (Taurus Sun, Libra Moon) this unfolding scenario hits significantly differently. Venus is exalted in the dreamy nebulous sign of Pisces. It is the realm where our fantasies and fairytales are formed. Every whirlwind romance or dream job that I've ever initiated was during a Venus transit through Pisces. But they never last! They are fantastical and fleeting; somehow slipping through the hands like a magical mist. The difference with this Venus transit through Pisces is the fact that Saturn is here! And Saturn has not been here in almost 3 decades! This time around our fairytales could literally become a reality and the abundance we desire and attract could actually stick and stay. All contingent on our ability to truly believe and our willingness to stay the course. Venus being strengthened by Saturn will not let us down! These aspects open us up to long-term manifestation magic at its finest in my humble opinion. The Sun will enter Aquarius on the 19th allowing us to shift into the higher cosmic consciousness of awareness. We are in a new era, the possibilities are unimaginable.



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