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"Unlocking Your Potential: The Astrological Significance of MARCH"


This March is truly bringing in a changing of the tide. The personal planets complete their transits through Aquarius and Pisces, the last two signs of the zodiac. We will complete a profound Pisces season, where we take a stern look at the lessons of the past 12 months. Ultimately, the Sun and Mercury will lead the way into the initiatory fire sign of Aries. A new cycle begins. The uniqueness of this new cycle is that it will occur with Pluto in Aquarius. A magnificent madness!

The true astrological year, unlike a Gregorian calendar, begins with Aries, the Cardinal Fire sign and first house ruler. The sign of emergence is where we begin our hero's journey. This sign represents the physical self and our ego identity. What we move towards and what our motives are. The How and the Why.

As this new cycle emerges, may we find new fervor, and may we rekindle our own creative core. Embrace the excitement initiated by the Aries influence. We have qualified past the path of Pluto. Not only are we moving into a new Aquarian age as a collective, but there is unbridled potential to obtain our authentic passions. The cosmic lovers Mars, and Venus will both travel through the dreamy waters of Pisces, inspiring us on a personal level. Also, the first eclipse occurs by month's end.

With the South node of release, representing our karmic past in Libra, the first eclipse of the year could bring in some backbone. On March 25th during the Libra Full Moon, the lunar eclipse occurs at 5° of the justice-seeking sign. We can look to the house this degree span represents and allow the universe to do for us what we can't do for ourselves. If it is leaving, let it go. Receive rather than resist the rebalancing.

Mercury will have its first retrograde phase in Aries from April 1st through the 25th. The pre-shadow begins at 15° of the fire sign on March 18th, in a key conjunction with the North node. This could be quite revealing come the first week of May. The mind becomes matter. On the 19th the Sun moves into Aries, which coincides with the Spring Equinox, and initiates a new season while kickstarting a new astrological 12-month cycle.

Saturn in Pisces is showing us where the work is paying off, and Aries initiates our drive to persist in our pursuits. This is the time when new growth appears. (How will we tend our garden?) The area of focus is certainly on the Aries's archetypal energies of bravery, courage, and strength. When these warrior attributes are operating from a healthy ego presentation it is in essence, integrity. Our most authentic movements will be supported. Jupiter approaching a conjunction with Uranus is the promise. Whatever appears suddenly can provide future blessings and radical rewards. It all may feel disruptive and will occur during Mercury retrograde, so, easy does it. Sooth the nervous system and soak the muscles this month. May will allow us to wrap our brains around the revised big picture.


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