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The Window between Eclipses


We are now residing at the in-between; the two-week window of reprieve created by the Libra Solar Eclipse that just occurred and the upcoming Taurus Lunar Eclipse happening on the 28th. The New Moon to Full Moon fated cycle amplifies what we have realized and released, how it culminates in the material world, as well as the emotional implications of grounding into the destined changes that are occurring.

10/16-10/22 • Weekly breakdown:

Monday the 16th, the Moon moves through the intense and deeply emotional Water sign of Scorpio. A foreshadowing of the energies that Mars, the Sun, and Mercury will bring as they move through the fixed sign and carry us into Scorpio season. Dig deep.

On Tuesday the 17th, Mercury in Libra creates an inconjunct to Uranus retrograde in Taurus at 22°. An aspect of tension occurs between our lower conscious mind and our higher cosmic consciousness that can usher in shocking, unexpected information. Both planets are in Venus-ruled signs allowing us to navigate the chaos with grace as the perceptions of our personal partnerships get a communication upgrade.

Wednesday the 18th, the Sun in Libra conjoins the South node of past release (and also Eris retrograde), while simultaneously opposing the North node of destiny in Aries at 24°. In this intense aspect, our ego identity is at odds with our Spirit. Libra reveals the path to peace by seeking the fulcrum; found at the safe stance between the two extremes. Karmic patterns in relationships are revealing the truth of what can no longer be ignored. Healthy boundaries take the forefront.

Thursday the 19th, Mercury follows the Sun in the aforementioned aspects as our Spirit force and our human conscious mind conjoin with the South node in Libra and oppose the North node in Aries. Hyperawareness allows us to wrap our brains around the crumbling facade of the past. A keen knowing that the masks must go.

By Friday, the 20th, the stage is set for the epiphany moment as Mercury catches up to the heart of our galaxy star creating a Cazimi effect. An ah-ha moment as Mercury and the Sun converge as one. Our thoughts are infused and illuminated as we become consciously aware of how we authentically connect with other people or the lack thereof. The Libra aesthetic gets a reality check. If there is a house of cards in this area of our lives, we can expect it to crumble. This creates space for more real and reciprocal connections moving forward. An opportune time to realize what Karmic patterns of past people pleasing are needing to be released.

As Saturday the 21st arrives, Mercury then the Sun will have both created a square to Pluto in Capricorn, exact at 27°. Pluto is the great dissolver and is now direct, exposing the shadows of the past, both personally and collectively. The challenge is to find a way to speak our truth yet also avoid power struggles in the process. Peaceful communication doesn't compromise our solid stance.

We end the week with two very supportive trines on the 22nd. First an Earth trine from Venus in Virgo to Jupiter retrograde in Taurus which is connecting the two Benefic planets. This is grounded Earth energy allowing us to receive the fundamental blessings, right where we are. An ability to dissect the details of our personal resources, mental and physical wellness, and an embodiment of the beauty in our daily cathartic routines is the potential gift this aspect can provide. Definitely stop and smell the roses this weekend.

The second trinity occurs as Mercury moves into the fixed waters of Scorpio and creates a trine to Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 0° of the respective signs. This supportive connection between our conscious mind and Father Time heightens our deeper awareness of the karmic past we are moving away from. The master teacher, Saturn, is supplying the most important lesson of all: that a lasting platform of personal stability is built on the skill of trusting our own intuition!

Many Blessings to everyone. Give Peace a chance🙏



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