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The week of Review and New! 6/11-6/17


The astrology of this week entails Pluto retrograde moving back into Capricorn, Mercury ingressing into its ruling sign of Gemini, Saturn stationing retrograde in Pisces, and a Gemini New Moon that is square to Neptune! As we review our personal power and responsibilities in order to create the Aquarian future we envision, thanks to nebulous Pisces energy, we just can't really see what that is supposed to be.

It's Gemini season and its winged messenger will be visiting home. There may be a lot of information coming in, much of it disinformation, so it is imperative to use our discernment when deciding on a plan and communicating our ideas to others. We may also see our previous ideas dissipating, or at the very least, reinvented. With messenger god Mercury in its home territory, our curiosity to learn a new modality or skill presentation finds its creative fuel from Pluto at the cusp of Aquarius. Perhaps even the personal power to try something different.

Both Pluto and Saturn are reviewing the old territories. Pluto, until October 11th, and Saturn through November 4th. This is Saturn's first retro since entering the Pisces dreamland. In the wake of a New Moon, at a new intention time. What have we realized since March? The Lord of Karma is requiring a review of personal actions and responsibilities. In the Pisces realm of possibilities, Saturn focuses on self-mastery in order for us to solidly succeed. What are our outdated ideas regarding Spiritual love, Divine inspiration, and a future vision? The spongy vibe is getting a stern reality check. When limitless possibilities plague our desire and need for action, remember, the most important task for this phase is to work on simply trusting our intuition! Fantastic Mantra or New Moon Intention; "I will trust my intuition!"



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