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TAURUS NEW MOON-05/19/2023


The New Moon occurs at 28° of Taurus on May 19th. This is a new lunar cycle to set intentions around lasting abundance. This lunation is trine to Pluto at 0° Aquarius. Pluto is also opposing Mars at the anaretic degree (29°) of completion in Cancer and building a fixed Gand Cross as they both square the lunar nodes of destiny. Mercury is now moving direct in the sign of Taurus, and in a harmonious Sextile to Saturn in Pisces, helping us secure the future vision. This New Moon has only beneficial aspects. (Jupiter in Taurus) What does a life of radical fulfillment look like to you? If you are a Taurus Sun, Moon, or rising (AC) or have any important planets or points in the fixed signs, this is a new start to embody expansive personal power and create the life that we truly desire. --

See my Instagram post for practical tips on intention setting for this New lunation cycle.

IG: @thedawnofastrology



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