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TAURUS Full Moon-It's electric


This powerful Full Moon in Taurus is conjunct Uranus retrograde, conjunct Fixed Star Algol, and harmoniously trine to Pluto. These are outer, collective planets that are shifting us into a new era as humanity. Venus, the ruler of this lunation is in a t-square to the lunar north and south nodes in the signs of Aries and Libra respectively. This tense Venus aspect is asking us to consider if what we have been investing our energy into is still truly in alignment with our values and desires. What has played out and is ready to be released in our relationships since the Scorpio New Moon on November 1st? In terms of power struggles (Mars/Pluto opposition), what shared resources are worth the battle moving forward? This Full Moon could bring an energy of radically shifting from past connections in romance and resources that have played out. Make the move! Uranian energy can provide a surprising upgrade in areas of desired abundance.

As Saturn stations direct in Pisces, in a square to Mercury in pre-retrograde shadow, it is so important not to second guess our thinking. Lean into the higher knowing and embody the upgrade. Perhaps it's even time to unleash our stance verbally, in a responsible manner, to turn the corner on an old narrative that is complete. It is time to commit to establishing a new timeline that supports our visions moving into the Aquarian Age. What revolutionary possibilities can an impractical approach to long-term security catapult us into?

To fully understand the Taurus Full Moon energies we must realize the archetypal influence of the planet Uranus. This Full Moon is conjunct Uranus in the sign of Taurus. This is the last astrological activation before Pluto moves into Aquarius on November 19th, and Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius. These are the final degrees of Taurus, so these themes have been playing out for some time. The energy was initiated in late 2018 when Uranus began its transit through the sign of Taurus, which will be completed in 2026. We are on the last leg of it. Uranus rules our higher consciousness. It's cosmic and interconnected to all of humanity. Yes, it can be disruptive and chaotic and sudden, and you can literally feel like you're being charged with unbearable voltage. Especially in the grounded sign of Taurus ruled by Venus, which governs all of our physical senses. However, as a native who was born at 26° of the sign of the Bull with my Sun conjunct the infamous fixed star Algol, l have a lot of empirical experience with this energy.

This Full Moon is conjunct Uranus and Algol, whose reputation for destruction proceeds itself. This is not a complete picture. We must see how this energy is positively aspected. Yes, I've lived a life of my Sun conjoined to this dark star however it is in a positive trine to my natal Uranus and natal Pluto in my chart so needless to say, I have experience that spans a lifetime with this connection to the higher consciousness and now it is accessible for everyone.

This lunation is also creating a harmonious trine to Pluto at the final degrees of Capricorn, supporting a transformation out of old systems of security and rapidly into an unimaginable plethora of possibilities for the future. The influence of Uranus indicates there could be an unexpected loss of our resources. In the sign of Taurus, these are material, the things that make our life more fulfilling, that we consider of value in terms of living our best life during this incarnation. Because of the conjunction with Uranus, a means of self-sustainability could be suddenly stripped away. However, with the trine to Pluto, one must consider a pivot; of thinking outside the box and seeing the grander picture, supplied by Uranus. This collective conscious planet is the higher active of Mercury, our human consciousness. If we can start to operate above the human mind based on ego, we can connect to a higher frequency that propels us to something more. Uranus represents the future and it is a giant cosmic antenna of possibilities. I can honestly say that anything that we are shaken from or that is suddenly stripped away in our presumed comfort zone due to a Uranus influence always positions us into an upgraded scenario. It does awaken us to an expansive opportunity of possibilities if we can align with that higher vibration of consciousness. It is very important to consider the right use of power from with this lunation conjoined to Algol by operating from an elevated awareness. It is of the essence.

Another significant shift will occur during this Full moon as Saturn, Lord of Karma and Father time, stations direct in the sign of Pisces. Saturn will be in a square to Mercury, the lower octave of Uranus, asking us to think beyond the critical human conscious perspective. That is the key to reconciling what is being shaken up at this time. This is a culmination. Saturn will be moving closer and closer to Neptune with solid and palpable proof of our new stable visions and dreams. This is the time to be open-minded to any and every possibility. To let go of any rigid source of safety, which is futile at best. Imagine if you can, the possibilities of an interconnected path of purpose. One that elevates humanity at large.

As always, if you would like to take a look at where and how these powerful transits are going to personally impact you, please don't hesitate to book a reading with me.

Many Full Moon Blessings to you all!

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Nov 16, 2024

Thanks Dawn. I guess chaotic but hopeful!

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