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SUN conjoins NEPTUNE


Everything we have ever known to be true is now subject to revision! The Sun/Neptune conjunction in Pisces becomes exact at 27° on the 17th. The aspect is also exactly square the Galactic Center at 27° of Sagittarius. Our highest truth now requires reconciliation as the Pisces hidden realms become illuminated. Past programming of Spiritual and religious indoctrination now dissolves as we begin to sense the unseen. This raises the roof on the beliefs of our upbringing. Yin energy is at play and preparing to shift us into Yang fire. This magical merging of the Sun with nebulous Neptune serves to strengthen our intuitive abilities and heighten our connection to Spirits beyond the material veil. Neptune is a collective planet and this conjunction exemplifies compassion for our fellow humans.

With Messenger planet Mercury applying a conjunction to the lunar North Node in Aries, we can expect to take action on the new awareness eventually. Mercury will have its first retrograde phase of the year April 1st through the 25th and will move into Taurus mid May. At that time, the ideas and actions will begin to materialize. In the interim, a new astrological year will be initiated a month from now. As we complete Pisces season, the Sun conjoining with Neptune reminds us that we are always Divinely held. Currently, we can allow all that was not ours to be washed away, and prepare to re-emerge into a new authentic expression of who we are and what we believe. So, soften the edges, and surrender to win!


photo by: Cal Mero




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