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SCORPIO SEASON-The most empowering Season of the Century!


Updated: Oct 22, 2024

On October 22nd the Sun ingresses into the deeply intense and mysterious sign of Scorpio, shifting our focus from Air to Water, from thinking to feeling. This will be one for the history books which we will feel in our bones through November 21st, and the themes will continue through the middle of the next calendar year. Scorpio rules the infamous 8th house of the occult; the hidden depths of the psyche. It is the time to revisit those things we buried alive that never really died, and thanks to the profoundly transformative aspects at play, to alchemize our personal story on a Soul level.

The Sun in Libra created an exact square to Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees just before moving into the sign of Scorpio. This is significant because Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio and is at the karmic degree of completion in Capricorn, preparing to enter the sign of Aquarius on November 19th, ushering humanity into a radical New age. A pivotal time of rebirth will play out collectively, and we will be impacted personally. Not only is our Galaxy star square to Pluto, but it is also squaring Mars in Cancer, the ancient ruling planet of Scorpio prior to the discovery of Pluto. So yes. we have a T-square from the Sun to the rulers of Scorpio, an aspect that has been in place since the powerful Aries Full Moon on October 17th. In this intense configuration, Mars and Pluto are opposing each other which will become exact on November 3rd, January 3rd, and then a third and final time on April 26th of 2025 due to the upcoming Mars retrograde. Mars, our planet of Yang Fire and physicality, will move into the Regal sign of Leo on the 3rd, just after its Pluto opposition perfects. Where is your power? How can you resurrect your inner authority? (without going to war in the process!)

This shift of the Century concludes a cycle that began in 2008. It is finished. The totality of change will be revealed during the exceptionally long Mars transit and retrograde in the signs of Cancer and Leo, lasting over 6 months! I find it significant that these are the two signs ruled by our luminaries, the Moon and the Sun, the Yin and the Yang. There is a clear message of balancing the light and the dark being slowly broadcast. As these themes of self-empowerment are driven into our psyche, we can utilize the hidden intense, and potentially volatile energies to alchemize our driven desires into more purposefully directed passions. Something far greater than we have experienced over the last 16 years is longing to come alive. An explosive regeneration that could catapult us into a place of embodied action and a driven desire to create a life that we long to build, from a place of emotional authority. Sovereignty-seeking at its finest!

We need not crack under the weight of this historically Spooky Season, we are supported to embody the archetypal energies of bravery and courage and access the power to transform our circumstances as we rise from the ashes of our unhealed past. Thankfully, there will be Stellar support in this cathartic process due to the influence of Uranus in Taurus. This Aquarian ruler coined "The Great Awakener" is serving to assist our revolution and evolution during this significant Season. On October 24th, Mars in Cancer creates a supportive sextile to Uranus retrograde at 26 degrees of Taurus. Feel into the upgrade of what You desire to manifest over the next 20 years! On October 30th, Mercury in Scorpio will oppose Uranus at 25 degrees which can be a breakthrough mentality; an unprecedented ability to see the bigger perspective of possibilities. Then on the November 15th Full Moon, a culminating energy of change can propel us into a greater awareness of what we are working towards. These aspects can provide a higher Cosmic consciousness regarding a personal plan of action. The radical rebel Uranus has the power to dislodge us from the stagnant energies that have been keeping us stuck in the muck for far too long. Uranus energies typically come in unexpectedly yet despite the seeming chaos, they can provide a grand opening. We can trust that an unorthodox approach to our endeavors is where the future abundance and blessings will appear.

-Where have I been holding back in fear?

-How can I commit to doing things differently?

-What must die so that something new can be born?

Look to the Cardinal signs in your chart to see the areas of tension that are ready to turn a corner. What house or houses does Scorpio occupy in Your chart? This is where the deep dive of transmutation will occur. As always, if I can assist you in navigating this intense Season, please don't hesitate to schedule Your personal reading with me.


1 Comment

Yusuf Apata
Yusuf Apata
Oct 22, 2024

Thank you ma please talk about liberal

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