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SCORPIO New Moon-The discernment of Truth-11/01/24 at 9°


A potent new Lunar cycle is initiated on November 1st when the Moon meets the Sun and they become congruent at 9 degrees of the fixed Water sign of Scorpio. We will have six planetary bodies in Water signs during this lunation, emphasizing a heightened ability to perceive the unseen. This is due in part to the presence of Mercury, in Scorpio. The planet that rules our conscious awareness is transiting the hidden depths of our psyche and will be at 28 degrees of Scorpio creating a Grand Water Trine to Mars in Cancer at 29 degrees (act on what you feel), and Neptune retrograde in Pisces at 29 degrees (moving towards the miraculous).

This trine also creates a kite formation with Pluto occupying the Apex at 29 degrees Capricorn, which is where all of the energy is being directed. This major aspect creates an uninterrupted flow of Spiritual support and increased intuition that we can tap into, enhancing our ability to discern our truth. In the true essence of mysterious Scorpio energy, this New Moon encourages us to dive deep into the hidden spaces within—the mysteries of our hidden emotions and evoke the power to fearlessly face them. This is an opening to the actualization of any memories or moments we have, up until now chosen to bypass or suppress, which is where the magic is made. You Are Magic!

Mars, the ancient ruler of Scorpio, is the despositor of this New Moon and will be opposing Pluto, the modern planet of rulership. This intense opposition will perfect on the 3rd in the wake of this lunation, and two more times, January 3rd, and April 26th of 2025. This potent opposition of the two Scorpio rulers represents a power struggle at best and a war at its worst. Mars in Cancer represents the familial struggle against the collective systems of authority, Pluto at the final degrees of Capricorn, the karmic degree of completion. These two power players square to Mercury in Scorpio are indicating a need to turn the corner based on the hidden information that is being brought to light; to our awareness. Keep in mind that Mars will be leaving Cancer and moving into Leo just 48 hours after this New Moon perfects. He will reach 6 degrees of Leo and will station retrograde on December 6th, asking us to review how we feel prior to taking any action. Then, and only then, to move forward from a place of emotional authority. This will be a slow process due to the long retrograde. Mars stations direct in Cancer at the end of February next year and will then complete two more exact oppositions to Pluto before finally exiting Leo on June 17th, 25. Where is our sovereign power to take action and how can we do so from a presentation of emotional maturity?

The aforementioned themes of personal responsibility are echoed by the influences of Saturn in the final sign of Pisces. The Scorpio New Moon will be trine to Saturn, Lord of Karma and Father of Time in this lunation, meaning we are seeking a new vision that will support us for a long period of time. (Saturn will not be back in Pisces for almost 30 years after leaving in 2026.) Are our visions viable? Are we willing to stay the course with a serious lean toward engaging our emotional maturity moving forward? Saturn will station direct on November 15th, the day of the Taurus Full Moon, when the intentions we have set into place now start to materialize in real-time. Saturn will then move forward, inching closer to Neptune and the approaching Lunar North Node. Pluto follows suit with a big shift as it ingresses into Aquarius on November 19th. Dream a big Dream, Pluto has the power to dissolve the old programming and propel us into the New timeline! There is no sky, there is no limit in the impending Age of Aquarius.

Another highly notable aspect at play during this New Moon includes Uranus retrograde at 25 degrees of Taurus in an Earth Trine to Pluto in Capricorn, while simultaneously creating a sextile to the New Moon in Scorpio. Whatever seeming personal stability becomes shaken, Pluto at the karmic degree of completion offers the power to significantly upgrade into a higher vibrational life of value by doing something, perhaps Everything, differently! As we remain the observer and set our intentions to appropriately direct our personal power, we evolve as humanity. Uranus IS the ruler of Aquarius and Pluto is preparing to revolutionize the path forward into a radical New Age for us all. Onward and Upward!

Key: The miraculous Grand Water trine is the path of being intuitively guided through our empowered ability to physically act!

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