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SCORPIO NEW MOON: November 13th at 20 degrees


POTENT POTENTIAL with this power packed lunation! The intensity of Scorpio is fueled by the conjunction of both Luminaries to Mars, the ancient ruler of the fixed Water sign. This represents personal power and driven desire at its finest! This New Moon is not about merely setting new intentions, but an unbridled determination to obtain them.

The red devil Mars, in an opposition to Uranus in Taurus could be the sudden disruption to our intended path. Perhaps to truly define our motives. Remember, Uranus sees the big picture of the future and serves to awaken us to our higher potential. This New Moon is a Fixed Axis at play, which requires a big player like Uranus to supply the proverbial break out to see the personal breakthroughs.

The silver lining in this potential shit storm (Mars being the God of War), is the Spiritually supportive Water trine to Neptune in Pisces, reminding us to tap into our Divine inspiration and boldly move towards our dreams. With this aspect, our next big move could indeed be intuitively led!

🗝️ Our ego healthiness gets an unexpected check with this intense New Moon. When appropriately expressed, this could be the rebel with a cause moving into a place of positive action. What part of your hidden power are you ready to resurrect and put out into the world? What are your motives?




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