SAGITTARIUS SEASON- 2023 Seeking with Self Awareness

Sagittarius Season is initiated on November 22nd as the Sun ingresses into the Mutable Fire sign, where it will travel through until the Winter Solstice on December 21st. Sagittarius is the 9th house ruler known for its insatiable search for higher truth. It enthusiastically explores the far reaches of the world, literally and/or metaphorically, which is why the sign is archetypally referred to as the Scholar.
This fun-loving fire season hits a bit differently due to the presence of Saturn, the Lord of Karma, and Father Time. As the Sun reaches the 0° mark of Sagittarius, it will create an exact square to Saturn at 0° of Pisces, reminding us to remember that there could be potential consequences to our eccentric activities. Mars, the planet of drive, determination, and action will quickly follow suit, moving behind the Sun into Sagittarius on November 25th, therefore also squaring Saturn at 0° Pisces. No matter how bold or courageous we may be feeling, responsible action of growth is the theme for this year's Sagittarius season. Remain mindful not just of Action, but also of the ripple implications of Reaction under this influence.
Echoing a subdued Sag season is the fact that Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius, is currently retrograde in the fixed Earth sign of Taurus. While the Sun, Mars, as well as Mercury, bring a surge of motivation and intellectual curiosity. Jupiter is the pause for the cause. The Great Benefic planet poses the question of whether the seeking will produce actual fruit. Jupiter retrograde in Taurus is about manifesting into physical form abundance and fulfillment. Ask yourself: "Will this endeavor still bring me joy six months from now?"(when Jupiter stations direct in May), or 12 years from now, when Jupiter returns to this point, (Jupiter has a 12-year orbit) bringing material growth in our tangible world?
The Sagittarius New Moon which will occur on December 12th, is heralding the last new Moon of the year. Also, the day that Mercury station for its final retrograde of the year. Mercury leaves Mars, the Sun, and the sign of Sagittarius on December 1st, moves into Capricorn and begins retrograde in the energy of the Sag New Moon on the 12th, and stations direct in Capricorn (where it began its first retrograde of 2023) on January 1st, 2024. The final New intention setting lunation supports seeking new connections, inner spiritual discovery, and an active social calendar. As you set those intentions, ask yourself what has been brewing as a possibility that you are now ready and prepared to see materialize.
So the takeaway of this Sagittarius season is to have fun and enjoy the adventures, but do so in a responsible way, creating a sustainable alignment with your own personal sovereign truth. Manifestation that will last!