The Full Moon at 13° of Sagittarius on June 3rd marks the midpoint of the current lunar cycle. A culmination of the Taurus New Moon that occurred on May 19th. That New Moon aspected all of the outer planets, and was conjoined to the Pleiades fixed star cluster which aligns with 28°-29° of Taurus. It initiated a new access to higher wisdom regarding the potential to heal.
The Sagittarius Full Moon is conjunct The Great Attractor, a point in space that our world is being drawn to. The sign of Sagittarius rules the 9th house of higher wisdom and represents the scholar, the guru, and the guide. With this connection to the Great Attractor, we have access to a greater truth; a source point of higher knowledge is available.
Mercury is out of shadow, moving direct in Taurus, and will conjoin Uranus at 20° of the fixed Earth sign within 24 hours of this lunation. The human mind and the higher cosmic mind will become one. Are we willing to reconsider our own beliefs when being presented with new information? Occult wisdom now comes to light. The path of knowledge can provide sovereign freedom through a liberated understanding of what we believe.
Saturn in Pisces is in a Karmic T-square to the Sun and Moon during this lunation challenging us to fact, check our vision, belief systems, and personal truth. As Saturn and Neptune, both station retrograde in the Mystical sign of Pisces this month, we are considering if we truly see everything as it is. Mercury conjoining to Uranus in the energy of this Full Moon is an echoing theme of our conscious awareness awakening.
In addition to the Saturn square, the Sagittarius Full Moon creates a fire trine to Chiron in Aries. These two aspects encourage us to seek adventure and have fun, but don't let it compromise our long-term vision. Play responsibly in order to avoid repeating karmic patterns that no longer serve. Believe that there is more. Chiron reminds us that it's time to heal the old habits. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius and therefore this lunation, is currently conjoined to the North Node in Taurus. An optimistic indicator of luck, expansion, and incoming resources for our long-term sustainability. Remember, Destiny is at Play.