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Radical week of reinvention!


We integrate into the Earth element and detailed energy of Virgo this week. Mercury leaves retrograde and stations direct on the 28th at 21 degrees of Leo. As the Messenger God gains forward momentum in the Cardinal Fire sign of Leo, it is intent on heading back into its home territory of Virgo, where its exalted retrieval of information can begin to be implemented. Our communications will become more clear, easier to articulate, and can potentially be well received. This shift in trajectory promises to bring pertinent information regarding value and purpose due to its dance with Venus before, during, and continuing after its retrograde. In-depth awareness regarding our desires starts to concisely permeate our consciousness.

The Goddess of Love continues to positively communicate with the higher octave of Mercury, Uranus, which is transiting Taurus, the home sign of Venus. A stellar ability to dislodge from the responsibilities and relationships that have served their purpose reaches a crux on the 27th when the Venus trine to Uranus becomes exact at 27 degrees of the respective signs. Where have you become loyal to a fault? By the 28th, Venus will oppose Neptune retrograde in its ruling sign of Pisces, delivering a serious reality check. Is my vision still viable? Will it hold long-term value? Is my relationship to money and love, romance and resources, illusory in nature? How can I move beyond this outdated dream and implement a path of sustainability and abundance moving forward?

On the 29th Venus enters her other home sign of Libra ready to rebalance, recalibrate, and reconstruct a new cycle of beauty. (Venus rules Taurus and Libra) Lady Luck will immediately trine Pluto retrograde at the zero degrees of Aquarius; the degree of pure potentiality. This massive Air trine indicates a much-needed completion coupled with a new beginning. A, or more than one, karmic ending occurs that in turn opens up space for authentic harmony and a higher vibrational level of deeper soul interconnectedness.

September 1st super starts the month as Uranus stations retrograde for its five-month annual reinvention of freedom and liberation. In the grounded sign of Taurus our higher awareness drops in. Our body becomes a conduit and our senses signal the path to an upgraded existence. During this period which will carry us into a new calendar year, we can become our own master teacher while the answers reside within us. Embody the ability to tap into Your cosmic consciousness! Also on September 1st, Pluto retrograde re-enters stoic Capricorn for its final audit of former structures that we have, up until this point, depended on for long-term security. Everything we have even know is now subject to revision! A transit to dissolve what no longer supports will allow a series of chapters to finally come to a close. Powerful potential to evoke radical change is accessible. This phase points to a fifteen-year personal and societal catharsis that is completing. We are so very supported in executing the necessary changes that can supply the power to emerge as a new and potentially free creature.

-How can you get excited about releasing the old and embracing the new?



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