The Power of Pluto
Updated: Jan 17, 2024
Pluto at the anaretic 29° of Capricorn. The karmic degree of completion. Something is over, done, finished. Our galaxy Star and the Lord of the underworld will become one by the 20th. The lightest light and the darkest dark working congruently to transform us on a soul level. This will not happen again in our lifetimes. Shortly after the conjunction of the Sun with Pluto, they will both ingress into the sign of Aquarius. Other than one quick and final audit of this part of Capricorn, as Pluto has one last retrograde in September and November of this year, Pluto will be ushering humanity into a vibrational upgrade as a species for the next 20 years. This powerful planetoid is bringing up the rear in the totality of planets that will now be expressing themselves in the archetypal energies of the revolutionary Aquarian age. We are at the crux of dense Earth energy and a fixed Air revolution.
Think back to themes initiated in March 2023, when Pluto first moved into Aquarius and stayed there through June. Now as Pluto moves back across the infamous 0° mark of Aquarius it will be joined by the Sun. Think even farther back to December 21st of 2020 when Jupiter and Saturn began their 200-year dance in a new Air element as they simultaneously moved across the 0° mark of Aquarius. How are these themes now being resurrected? Dissolved? Are you operating in more personal power, prepared to rapidly move into an accelerated technological age?
Look to your chart to see where you have early degree placements in the fixed signs Aquarius, Leo, Taurus, and Scorpio. These are the areas in which Pluto will be creating upheaval and regeneration for the next 7 years or so.
This intense power at play on the micro and macro can feel quite heavy. It's palpable on a personal and global level. Contingent on who you are where you've been and how long you've lived on this planet, knowing that life as we have always known it is now subject to revision can be quite a hard pill to swallow. Lean into the liberation. The upgrade, the higher vibrational possibilities for the future. May we all tap into our higher, cosmic consciousness, allowing us to operate above the egoic human mind at this point.