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Personal T-square-The intellectual ability to move through emotional difficulty


The current Mars T-square to Chiron and Mercury perfects at 20° by the eighth. This powerful personal aspect began on the 2nd and will continue through the 15th.

Chiron in Aries (primal Fire) represents our internal wounding. Through an awareness and embodiment of past personal trauma, we can harness the power to alchemize and actualize our healing gifts with courage and intent. Mercury in the graceful Air sign of Libra highlights an understanding of what harmonious and just relations must be. Perhaps we are learning a new love language or communication style through this influence. Mars, our planet of physical movement and driven desire is in Cancer (emotional Water), asking us to move through the Mercurial awareness in a way that feels right. We can certainly expect some childhood memories to surface especially any issues with the "Mother" influence. Taking action on a timeline that is soothing to our emotional soul-body is of the essence. The Libra and Cancer archetypal energies are allowing Mars and Mercury to harmoniously connect us to our hearts and minds.

Chiron is the WHAT

Mars is the HOW, and

Mercury is the WHY

Look to the houses that these signs occupy in your personal chart. Locate 18°-21° where these planets are transiting. Do you have any important placements, points, or aspects in these areas that are being prompted? How can you bravely turn a corner on your internal healing moving forward? Go back to the time that the initial traumas occurred. What is your understanding of these occurrences now? How can you act in a more emotionally healthy mode of operandi based on your current awareness and reality? Reflect on how much you have healed since the point of origin and how far you have come. It is time to courageously create the new narrative!

🗝️The Lunar South Node representing our Karmic past is finishing up an 18-month transit in Libra, the sign of intimate partnerships. Dealing and Healing what personally holds us in outdated emotional patterns of behavior now, clears the way for a powerful new signature of reciprocity in our intimate connections for the future.

❤️‍🔥Mars in Cancer is an unusually long transit and will continue through April of next year as it retrogrades in the sign of Leo this coming December, and returns back to the area we are experiencing right now. By clearing the emotional and mental blocks of our internal wounding we set the stage for clearing sexual blocks in our intimate partnerships.



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