Personal planets meet Pluto for karmic completion. July week 2
Updated: Jul 23, 2023

On July 9th, Mars at 29 degrees of Leo creates an inconjunct to Pluto retrograde at 29 degrees of Capricorn. Mercury will hit the 29th degree of Cancer on the 10th and oppose Pluto in Capricorn. This is a critical degree representing a Karmic point of completion in the signs and houses they occupy, and both connections to Pluto involve personal planets.
Are you moving into action from a place of personal power and sovereignty? What has the messenger planet Mercury revealed about upbringing, childhood, and family past that is ready to be released? The focus is on understanding our inner authority as Mercury moves into Leo on the 11th, hits the zero-degree mark, and will square the North Node of Destiny at zero degrees of Taurus. What is of value and are we valuing ourselves in the process of our pursuits? These aspects offer an opportunity to reconcile past indoctrinations with our goals for a new future based on a new understanding of who we are. Mars will hit zero degrees of Virgo and create an Earth trine to the North Node, also on the 11th. Our action receives stellar spiritual support as we work to build a life worth living.
A conscious awareness of where we have come from, how that has emotionally shaped us, and how we are now ready to create a future that aligns more with our own individual value system is the potential for the astrology this week. Pluto in its final Capricorn retrograde is in a karmic T-square to the lunar nodes of fate and destiny. A powerful personal transfiguration is not only possible, but probable. Contingent always on our connection to Source energy and the ability to trust our higher self.