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New Moon in VIRGO


The Sun and Moon become congruent at 11° of Virgo on September 2nd creating a New Moon in the Mutable Earth sign. Mercury, the ruler of this moon, is in Leo and now direct, making a Fire trine to Chiron in Aries, where the lunar North Node of destiny is transiting. Chiron, our Wounded Healer, co-rules the sixth house of health and wellness with Virgo. Could there be a greater echoing theme of personal healing than that of this lunation?

Typically, Virgos' detail-oriented nature is directed outward in a sense of service to others however, this lunar reset proposes that such a sense of duty must be directed inward. The astral energies will be greatly magnified during the Virgo New Moon due to it being the fourth consecutive Super Moon in a row, which adds a level of intensity in which we can access information needed to navigate the healing influences with more ease.

As we set our intentions for this new lunar cycle, we can expect the resulting manifestations to culminate on the Pisces Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in two weeks. It's like a cosmic detox is conspiring on our behalf. This marks an ideal time to intentionally purge any of the lingering unhealthy habits that are preventing us from integrating our sovereign power to become the most positively embodied versions of ourselves, which ultimately is the best form of service to others we can offer.

We will have more clarity regarding the execution of our intentions as the messenger planet Mercury moves back into its exalted home of Virgo on the ninth. On the eighth, just prior to Mercurys' ingress back into Virgo, the Sun in Virgo opposes Saturn in Pisces, illuminating the karmic illusions of past timelines. This will unfold through mid-November when Saturn (retro) stations direct. A key component will come to light on the Pisces Full Moon lunar eclipse on the 17th of this month. Have eyes to see and ears to hear.

Another additional background influence is that Mars, the ruler of Aries (where this New Moon positively aspects Chiron) will move into the Cardinal Water sign of Cancer on the fourth. This ingress occurs in the ruminating energies of the intentions we have set into motion on this New Moon. The transition of Mars, which represents our ego, physicality, and driven passions, all start to move towards what emotionally comforts us. Especially since Uranus, the higher octave of Mercury, (this new moon ruler) stationed retrograde on the 1st, the day before this lunation. Pluto also moved back into Capricorn for the final audit and dismantling of previously supportive structures. We will want to surround ourselves with people that feel like family and promote an environment that feels like home. For many of us, the message of Mercury and its super healing New Moon energies is indicating that any toxic connections with family and friends of fore could be reaching a karmic ending. We can recreate what family means in a more personally supportive manner moving forward.

There is such stellar support available in this Super Moon to initiate what personal healing means and integrate that awareness from a radically elevated new mindset. Discernment coupled with compassion is key in our conversations with our unfolding or unraveling tribe moving forward.

🗝️How can I move forward in a way that comforts my nervous system and promotes an elevated level of wellness for myself?



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