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Mercury Retrograde in scholarly Sagittarius- what is true?


The final Mercury retrograde of this calendar year commences today taking us on a three week researching journey of reinventing our truths. Everything we have ever known is subject to revision!

However, this particular quest for personal expansion will allow us to review the source of our thrill-seeking side before engaging in the social scene. The thirst for knowledge is thoroughly reconsidered during this Sagittarius Season due to the planet Mercury. The retrograde occurs November 25th through December 15th in the sparkly sign of the Archer. Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius is currently transiting Gemini, which Mercury rules, resulting in an energy of mutual receptivity. The lines become blurred in the axis of the teacher and the student. Introspection and exploration are intertwined in this proverbial quest for personal expansion. What can we now gain from considering the ideas of others and what can they possibly teach us? How can we then integrate these newfound perspectives into what we are teaching?

Mercury created an opposition to giant Jupiter, the Sagittarius ruler, November 18th while in pre-retrograde shadow. This energy of mutual receptivity will perfect again during this retrograde. The second opposition occurs on December 4th at 16° of Sagittarius during retrograde, and then a third and final time on December 26th at 13° of the freedom seeking sign while in post retrograde shadow. What unexpected Joy could become the result of this revelatory transit?!? There is clearly an echoing theme of growth resulting from more connection and communication with others and their perceived beliefs.

This will be the first Mercury retrograde with Pluto permanently in Aquarius, the higher collective consciousness. Free your mind and the rest will follow!


Do you have Mercury in Sagittarius?



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