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MERCURY IN ARIES: ideas and deeds


Mercury is the first planet that begins a new zodiac cycle in the fresh energy of Aries. The messenger planet will remain in Aries longer than usual, due to its retrograde that will end on April 25. However, Mercury will not leave the cardinal fire sign until it ingresses into the fixed Earth sign of Taurus on May 15th. We can allow this transit to spark our intellectual perceptions and act from a new dynamic perspective. Those that have their natal Mercury in Aries will be experiencing their Mercury return.

During this first retrograde transit, Mercury is going to cross over Chiron, currently conjunct the North Node, several times over the next couple of months with 3 exact conjunctions on March 20th, April 15th, and May 6th. Chiron our Wounded Healer is now direct in Aries and allowing us to operate beyond our wounded identity. Trusting our thoughts and now acting from who we are as a healer. The North Node and Mercury only conjoin once because of the retrograde motion of the lunar nodal transit. Trust that the north node's energy will be involved and have an energetic impact on the Chiron/Mercury alignments, even though not occupying the exact degree point. The archetypal energies of the Shapeshifter Mercury echoes the Aries north node theme of self-empowerment. With Mercury, this is an ability to bravely speak our truth. The retrograde will help us to remain mindful of how we say it.

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