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Mercurial Benefits


Today's stellar aspects allow us to receive messages through the physical senses. Our body becomes a conduit of knowing. All that we think and feel now has the potential to align beautifully. Mercury retrograde in Virgo is intricately deciphering the details of our desires. Venus governs all of our physical senses. Those that offer fulfillment or lack thereof are sending important signals. What is your body telling you? When we have an inspired thought or epiphany moment during this window of opportunity, can it be embodied?

In the mutable Earth sign of Virgo, the messages may be centered around our mental and physical wellness. What am I looking at, listening to, ingesting, touching, and are these exchanges promoting my core capacities? Is there something that I'm physically noticing that needs to be removed for these two influences to work in tandem? Is there something for me to integrate that will foster the communion of my mental and physical faculties?

Due to their close proximity in orbit, Mercury and Venus only ever connect through a sextile or conjunction. This is a rare opportunity to focus on the micro messages that affect us personally. Is what I'm thinking and sensing and saying aligning with what I feel in my physical body? Where can I make my new adjustments to create a pathway towards more fulfillment? Do I truly live a life of abundance? If not, these two personal planets are here to help. How healthy is my relationship with love and money, to romance and resources? How can I implement a system of attraction rather than promotion?

Also occurring today, the Sun in Leo is creating a supportive sextile to Jupiter in Gemini, also ruled by Mercury. Venus and Jupiter are coined as the two benefic planets, the luckiest and most beneficial in our solar system. (Venus the lower benefic, and Jupiter the greater benefic). With these two players indicating potential pathways to actualize abundance in the two Mercury-ruled signs, it really is about realizing what is now of value, what is no longer of value, our own inherent value, and how to expand from a place of individual creativity and authentic joy. The key message is that a growth mindset will supply the inspiration necessary for manifesting physiological healthiness.

AUGUST 7, 2024

-Sun in Leo sextile Jupiter in Gemini at 15° of the signs

-Mercury Retrograde conjoins Venus at 3° of Virgo



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