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MAY: Eclipse portal is open-timeline shift!


Happy Taurus season to my fellow Taureans! The month of May kicks our season into full swing with potent growth potential. Pluto stations retrograde on the first, will stay at zero degrees for quite some time, and will move slightly back into stoic Capricorn on June 11th. We can expect the power dynamics of the past regarding personal control and outward authority to be triggered. Mercury retrograde will conjoin the heart of our Galaxy star, also on the first, creating a Sun/Mercury cazimi effect. Our conscious thoughts are illuminated under the influence of this aspect. The Cazimi occurs very close to the transiting North Node of Destiny in Taurus. What messages are being revealed that we may have missed since January 2022? Have we skipped over some information that will aid in liberating us into an alignment with what is truly of value? The Sun will conjunct Uranus on the 9th, allowing our higher mind to see the big picture story of what is possible. We may suddenly be enabled to shake loose what is no longer fulfilling.

Mercury which has been retrograde since April 21st will station direct on the 14th, then completely leave post-retrograde shadow on the 30th. Themes activated around the Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse will start to come into our conscious awareness. Jupiter will be square to Pluto the 14th-21st, and perfect on the 17th just after Jupiter ingresses into Taurus on the 16th. This potent square challenges us to reconcile the tense energies between the two house placements of these planets in order to expand our personal power. Where does zero degrees of Taurus and Aquarius fall in your personal chart? The biggest transit of the month by far is Jupiter moving into the grounded Earth sign of Taurus, bringing in tangible resources and massive benefits for the next 12 months.

The Taurus New Moon occurs at 28 degrees on the 19th; a time to set new intentions around enjoying the simple pleasures in life. This lunation will be in a supportive trine to Pluto, with Mars in opposition to Pluto. Engaging the body in enjoyable physical activities will allow us to burn off any frustrations or anger and ground us into the potential power of this intense Mars/Pluto dynamic duo. What are the toxic traits and self-destructive tendencies that must die in order for us to fully live? Remember, Mars and Pluto are the ancient and modern rulers of Scorpio! Mars will move into Leo on the 20th and the opposition to Pluto becomes exact at zero degrees.

The Sun ingresses into the Air sign of Gemini on the 21st, initiating Gemini Season. The Sun will be square Saturn in Pisces May 27th-29th for the first time in almost 3 decades. This will challenge us to intellectually understand the tasks required to see our future dreams come to fruition. What is the plan for responsible action of growth moving forward? Mars, the planet of action and ego identity will square Jupiter in Taurus on the 23rd, and then the North Node on the 26th. Move a muscle change a thought, or perhaps even your destiny! We end the month with the Gemini Sun square to Saturn in Pisces on the 28th. A square always requires reconciliation, and in these cases, putting ideas into action is key!



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