Updated: Aug 27, 2023

Mars ingresses into the Cardinal Air sign of Libra on the 27th, shifting our focus to that of creating harmonious relationships. The masculine God is said to be debilitated as Venus now becomes the depositor of our ego, action, and physicality. The highest potential of this transit can serve to support Mars as the peaceful warrior in our personal relationships. We do not have to go to war in the process of seeking balance and reciprocity!
Think back to October 22nd through December 15th of 2021 when this transit last occurred. Mars will align with the South Node in Libra on October 4th allowing us to move away from old relationship patterns that no longer feel just. On October 8th, Mars will square Pluto retrograde in Capricorn providing the personal power to create healthier partnerships moving forward. This aspect involves the ancient and modern rulers of Scorpio, calling us to reconcile our limitations in the areas of shared financial and emotional connections. Mars will leave Libra on October 12th and move into the Fixed water sign of Scorpio.
While in Libra, Mars will be opposite its ruling sign of Aries, where the North Node of destiny is currently transiting, emphasizing the axis of self and others. Where is your authentic primal power seeking a beautiful union? What houses will the archetypal energies of the cosmic lovers be dancing in your chart?