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Updated: Oct 2, 2024

The lunar South Node which represents our karmic past has been occupying the Venus-ruled Air sign of Libra for over a year. Whatever themes came up during the Libra Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees on March 25th of this year are now culminating in totality. Conversely, these Solar Eclipse energies will play out over the next 5-6 months. This Libra Solar Eclipse occurring just five degrees from the last one, is signaling that now is the time for unhealthy emotional patterns in our intimate partnerships to be released. Consider them survival skills that no longer serve a purpose. Especially, if we have been compromising ourselves in any way, shape, or fashion in these connections. We are primed to move towards more authentic unions that support us in our totality.

I believe an Eclipse is a very fated time; one in which the Universe shows up on our behalf and does for us what we cannot do for ourselves. And so it is!

Key Aspects:

The Libra Sun is conjunct Mercury creating a Cazimi effect; an epiphany moment regarding harmony and balance in personal relationships!

The New Moon is also tightly conjoined to Black Moon Lilith in Libra, the archetypal fierce dark Feminine is yielding her sword of Justice!

Venus, the ruler of this lunation, is in Scorpio creating a Grand Water trine to Mars in Cancer. and Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Venus is a benefic planet trine to the malefics represented. Fear not, Lady Luck is harmoniously aspecting Neptune retrograde in Pisces and will perfect her trine by mid-month. When you align with your personal values, you create an opening for the miraculous to occur. The darkness always serves the light!



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