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The first Full Moon of the calendar year occurs on January 25th at 5° of Leo. A climactic culmination cycle highlighting our creativity, unadulterated joy, and personal authority. This lunation occurs within days of Pluto shifting into Aquarius, congruently with the Sun. The Leo Full Moon will oppose Pluto, bringing up personal power dynamics. This opposition emphasizes the tension between the self and the collective. A real ego check occurring on center stage that can make us feel exposed. If we are operating from a place of healthy ego presentation, this can propel us into the Healer identity within.

Mars in Capricorn will be square to Chiron in the fellow fire sign Aries during this lunation. A tense aspect between the ego identity, and our ability to obtain our driven desires. And it behooves us to remain mindful of balancing our boundaries and repressed anger. (It's okay to say no.)

Mars and Mercury perfect their conjunction in Capricorn on the 27th but are both squaring Chiron during this Full Moon. These personal planets remind us that our thoughts, words, and actions have power. When triggered, see it as an opportunity for healing subconscious wounds...consciously.

Jupiter will be in a tight square to the Leo Full Moon, bringing a lot of excess to the platform. The polarity between self and others, our independence and interconnectedness, becomes emphasized on a grand scale during this lunation. With this t-square to the Sun and Moon, find the safe stance between the two opposite extremes. Jupiter offers us hope through the lens of broader perspectives. The giant Benefic sitting at the midpoint of our luminaries is intensifying the pressure to see the Higher Spiritual Truth.

Unpredictable moments of volatility may play out on the world stage with Pluto so heavily in the picture, which doesn't have to be personally disruptive. These tense aspects can serve to springboard our inner generosity. We are being forged under fire. This Full Moon in big bold Leo glaringly casts a light on what is now ready to be healed within ourselves. Pluto is pressuring us to embrace, and even resurrect our natural strengths, gifts, and talents. The personal planets Mars and Mercury square to the wounded healer Chiron (and the nodes) are supporting overcoming our insecurities. Asking us to bring the "too much" version of ourselves to the surface. We can do this unapologetically, with authority, based on the integrity of our inner Spirit. Let your light shine BIG!

🗝️What do you have in the first 10° of the fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio, Taurus)?

How can you become more sovereign in these areas?


•Moon opposes Pluto at 0° Aquarius

•Sun and Moon square Jupiter at 6° Taurus

•Mars and Mercury square Chiron at 15° Aries



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