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June is a month that begins on a very optimistic vibe despite the tension of the past few weeks! Jupiter, the luckiest planet in our solar system, conjoins the North Node of Destiny at 3° of Taurus on the 1st. This Stellar aspect is exact until the Sagittarius Full Moon on the 3rd. Jupiter is the ruler of the adventurous sign of Sag, encouraging us to consider the higher truth of growth, expansion, and personal freedom.

Mercury is officially out of shadow and will be moving into Cancer, which brings some clarity and a plan for emotional fulfillment.

Saturn and Neptune will both retrograde in the mystical Water sign of Pisces. With Neptune Retrograde occurring in its home sign, we are more able to see beyond the veil of illusion regarding our future visions. Saturn is showing us the true tasks at hand required to secure our dreams.

We will have a Gemini New Moon on the 18th, just a few days prior to the Sun's ingress into the Water sign of Cancer. This initiates Cancer season which also coincides with the Solstice.

Do you have significant Sagittarius or Jupiter placements? #sagittariusrising



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