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Highly Impactful Week!


Updated: Jul 16, 2024

We begin the week with the dynamic and progressive energy of the aforementioned Mars – Uranus conjunction (last blog). This unusual intensity propels us toward the Pluto-powered Capricorn Full Moon that culminates on Sunday, July 21st. (The 2nd of two Capricorn Full Moons during this crazy Cancer season.) As we navigate uncertainty playing out on the world stage, there is a stellar potential to liberate our inner world. The rare and rebellious merging of Mars with Uranus allows for unorthodox, downloads of the innovative insights needed to courageously make drastic changes from our current path. Whatever unexpected events unfold, they may be just what we need to take the proverbial bull by the horns and pursue our future creative passions. Just know that the ultimate purpose of Uranian influence always serves to raise the level of vibration throughout the collective consciousness of our current humanity.



-Mercury in Leo quincunx Saturn retrograde in Pisces at 19°: the discovery of our own inner authority.

-Sun in Cancer square Chiron in Aries at 23°: emotional triggers could fuel ego outbursts.

-Mars/Uranus conjunction perfects at 26° of Taurus, yet permeates the airwaves through the 20th; ground into the body and soothe that nervous system!!!


-no major aspects, minor aspect of Mars and Ceres (sesquiquadrate) pull at the inner need for safety coupled with a desire to assert ourselves.


-Sun square Eris continues to fuel controversies and the desire to defend our stance.


-Sun in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus at 26°: trust what feels like freedom and show up!

-Mercury in Leo trine Chiron in Aries at 23°: fire-fueled awareness of what to initiate next.


-Venus in Leo trine the Lunar North Node in Aries at 9°: the embodied authority to create our individual destiny (kingdom).


-Mars in Taurus sextile Neptune in Pisces at 29°: the karmic degree of completion moves us towards a more viable future vision.

-Mars moves into Gemini until September 4th: eager to explore and learn new crafts with new kindred souls.


-Capricorn Full Moon at 29°: opposite the Sun also at the anaretic degree in Cancer: this powerful lunation connects to Pluto, Neptune, and Uranus. What themes from the Full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st are now a wrap? Has Pluto shown what emotional ties to the past are now dead and done?

*The Full Moon makes many potent aspects that I will detail in my upcoming Full Moon article.



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