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Heart and Mind


The frenetic Gemini frenzy is getting ready to settle down on a personal level. Mercury met with the heart of the Sun on the 14th in its ruling sign, intent on magnifying the possibilities of our perceptions. This is a rapid fire mercurial transit through home territory, calling for a quick wit.

The Messenger God is steady on the heels of Venus, who conjoined with the Sun on the 4th (Venus star point) which initiated a new nine year Venus cycle. Our values are ruled by the Goddess of love; how has our perception shifted to meet us in our new self worth?

As these two personal planets move over the karmic degree of completion in Gemini, they square off with Neptune at the same degree in Pisces. A significant signature aspect of release. We move out of the mind and ease into the emotions, trusting the process as we progress into a new element. Neptune in its ruling sign of Pisces is the promise that when we align with our hearts and trust our thoughts we will be divinely guided!

Heart and mind become one as Mercury merges with Venus at 0° of Cancer, the degree of pure potentiality. It doesn't hold the burden of the past or the fear of the future. We are moving into calmer waters. An elemental shift from Mutable Air to Cardinal Water. No doubt a much needed reprieve! The heart now knows what the mind has processed. A newfound clarity based on self value and self comfort sets the stage for a very nurturing Cancer season. The realm of Lady Luna, the Divine Mother. May we all find solace in her now❣️🙏💫



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