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Gemini Full Moon opposes Mars 11/27/23 Fight or Flight


Updated: Nov 26, 2023

On November 27th the Full Moon occurs at 4° of Gemini, opposing the Sun in Sagittarius, as well as Mars which sits 2° from the Sun. The opposition from this lunation to Mars, the planet of ego, physicality, and initiatory action, literally adds fuel to the potential fire during this culmination cycle. Gemini is a Mutable Air sign known to explore and express any and all possible avenues of communication, be it good, bad, false, true, or purely propaganda. With opposition to the impulsive planet Mars, conversations could easily become escalated or heated to the point of well...literally war.

Thankfully, both the Luminaries and Mars are square to Saturn, Lord of structure and time, at 0° Pisces. Saturn serves to slow and restrict, which could prove to be a benefit under the influence of this Full Moon, especially since Saturn is also the archetypal Lord of Karma! We can reconcile these squares by stopping to reflect on our responsibility in regards the how we convey our thoughts. We can consider not only action but also possible reaction within this challenging yet available Saturnian support.

Mercury, the ruler of this lunation, is not only in the pre-shadow phase preparing for its final retrograde of the year next month, but is also creating a square to Neptune retrograde at home in Pisces. A definite pause for the cause is indicated. This is not an ideal time to make any major decisions, especially when feeling triggered. It would certainly behoove us to think before we speak, and prior to taking any impetuous action.

The higher vibrational possibilities of the Gemini Full moon could support empowering a need to speak one's truth powerfully yet peacefully. These are personal planets at play so when acting from a place of healthy motives, the determination to build on our ideas can be put into action. A lot of people have great ideas, but if not initiated aren't they merely a moot point? Creativity is aching for an outlet under this supercharged Moon energy. As you explore, look to the sky to see the mighty planet Jupiter close by in the sky. Can You feel the magnification? When exploring the duality within our own consciousness, where is the positive action of growth place?



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