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Updated: May 22, 2024

Are you ready for the liberation? On May 23rd, the Full Moon occurs at 2° of Sagittarius, opposite the Sun at 2° of Gemini. The axis of the student and the teacher. Mutable Fire and Air, so remain malleable. This Full Moon will have its ruler, Jupiter, conjoined to Venus at 29° of Taurus (the anaretic degree). Perhaps the blessings of liberation and freedom start to materialize in the areas where we have tried something different. Where we placed all our values in an unorthodox approach, or taken a risk, where we have gotten unstuck. This is abundance that will be focused in the Taurus house(s) of your chart.

Any Full Moon is a completion cycle however, this moon harmoniously aspects the power of Pluto in the form of a sextile. Which means that the Sun is trine Pluto from across the chart! Sun trine Pluto, what a mighty interplay of the dark and light. Perhaps one of the higher spiritual truths of where our own personal power should be expanded will be revealed in the energy of the scholarly Sagittarius. May we all see the amplified intensity to upgrade our future with Pluto in the fixed Air sign of Aquarius. Talking bout a revolution!

Jupiter, the ruler of this lunation, will be exactly conjunct Venus just a few hours after the Full Moon perfects. These are the lesser and greater benefic planets, the two most fortuitous planets in our solar system working congruently during the Full Moon. Expansive energies of blessings and prosperity occur when these two become one. (As above, so below.) This sends a message of material manifestation that reestablishes optimism. Optimism and growth in areas that we have radically aligned with our values, especially since the end of March.

The Sun, Jupiter, and Venus are Sextile to Neptune at 29° of Pisces during this lunar cycle illuminating an ending. An illusion, a dream, past inspiration, or even an escapism tendency that is karmically coming to a close. There is certainly a big echoing theme of upgraded awareness in the energies and influence of Sagittarius; the spiritual teacher, the guru, the guide. Sagittarius shows where we are an expert, and Gemini helps us to discover what we must learn. The blessed union of Venus and Jupiter serves to greatly amplify our affections from a more elevated perspective. One that has been out of view until this moment. Revealing Spiritual love which operates above the human ego. Maybe our hearts will grow three sizes!

Have you noticed a shift in your perspective or a desire to review your beliefs?



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