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FULL MOON IN GEMINI- The final Full Moon of the Year!


Updated: Dec 11, 2024

The final Full Moon of the calendar year occurs on December 15th with the Moon at 23° of Gemini in an exact opposition to the Sun in Sagittarius. The Full Moon is joining forces with The Great Benefic Jupiter, which is in retrograde just 8° from the Moon in Gemini. This axis represents the big picture vs. circumstantial evidence that has been hidden. We can expect clarity during this powerful culmination as Mercury in Sagittarius, the ruler of Gemini and therefore this lunation, leaves retrograde shortly after the Full Moon perfects. Mercury and Jupiter, retrograde in each other's sign, is a back-and-forth energetic signature of mutual receptivity. This coupled with the very illuminating nature of a Full Moon, promises to bring beneficial information to our awareness. Revelatory downloads can reveal what has been hidden beneath the surface as Mercury stations direct.

As our conscious mind receives what was previously concealed, we can release all thoughts and beliefs that are now rendered false. Gemini represents the duality that exists within us all. The yin and the yang, the mortal and the immortal twins, which are governed by the neutrality of the Messenger God Mercury. What no longer aligns with the identity we have created? With the stories we tell? Perhaps now we can seize the opportunity to reclaim some of the missing pieces, or conversely, let go of outdated limiting beliefs. We can start to reshape how we see ourselves and resign to communicate that authenticity in our inner and outer connections to others in this world. Jupiter is close to the Moon, magnifying the emotional AND mental components of our awareness. In a lower vibration, this can push the hampster on the wheel, but it doesn't have to. If we can consciously shift our understanding into the higher perspective of possibilities, Jupiter can guide us to a path of positive growth.

The Moon and Sun (along with Jupiter) are creating a T-square to Neptune, now direct, in Pisces. This challenging yet potentially supportive aspect serves to set our sights beyond the veil of illusion; an echoing theme of clarification in this Full Moon. Jupiter is applying (another) square to Saturn, now direct in Pisces, asking us to reconcile the conscious and subconscious so as to stabilize our Spiritual expansion. What is our Spiritual support system and how can we strengthen that connection? What is the work required to bring a future dream to fruition now that new information is coming in? How do we master the skill of trusting our intuition and integrating that trust into our mental capacities of navigation?

The Sun at 23° of Sagittarius is also creating an inconjunct/quincunx to Uranus retrograde at 24° of Taurus. This radical (missed) connection is illuminating an area requiring constant adjustment in the houses these two signs occupy. A great eliminator aspect indicating areas of potential upgrade accessed by doing things differently. How can we raise our frequency of abundance in this material plane? How can we attempt an unorthodox, or seemingly risky approach compared to previous programming? What can be removed from the equation that creates an opening for manifesting a fulfilling, self-sustaining life of desired resources? More will be revealed.

The Full Moon ruler Mercury is also creating a trine to Mars retrograde at 5° Leo, and a sextile to Venus at 9° Aquarius, supporting our personal liberation and power. The biggest thing we can expect in the fullness of this lunation is for the information planet to Bring It! What has the shapeshifter planet of duality revealed during this final retrograde phase of the year in the axis of the student and teacher? What has resurfaced as a result of Mercurys' travel through the underworld of our subconscious since November 25th? What have we reconsidered about our own beliefs through our conversations with others? What did we study to strengthen our abilities as teachers? Are we ready to integrate these revelations as we prepare to enter a new era? The wisdom that Mercury serves to resurrect will certainly be illuminated in this Full Moon and will continue to unfold over the next few weeks as Mercury leaves post retrograde shadow. Just in time for a new calendar year!

KEY: The most reliable method of deciphering what is or is not true comes from trusting our intuition!

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