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The Full Moon occurs at 4° of Cancer on December 26th. The day after Christmas when family dynamics are in full focus. Cancer is a cardinal Water sign ruled by the Moon and governs the fourth house of home and family. Compassion, self-care, and calm reflection are the themes of this final lunation of the year.

These themes receive stellar support as the Full Moon creates a sextile to Jupiter retrograde in Taurus and a water trine to Saturn in Pisces. The Great Benefic Jupiter is the planet of higher truth, amplifying our need to shower ourselves with emotional healing. The solid connection to Saturn provides us with the potential to release the karmic pains of past programming and the platform for emotional stability as we move into a new future.

Self-compassion is echoed as Chiron, the wounded healer, stations direct in Aries on the same day. We can now resign to release the old insecurities within us and embrace an empowered version of self-acceptance. In the background, Mars in Sagittarius is square to Neptune in Pisces, a reflection of our future goals. Are we acting on a dream that is REAL?

During this culmination of emotional release and renewal, may we all find Sanctuary. A safe space to express our gratitude for the many blessings we have received throughout the year and fond remembrance of those who have loved us like family.



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