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Fire to Earth-August 20th


Bringing it down to the body/coming back online! We will be feeling a visceral shift from the Fire element to the Earth element this week as the personal planets associated with heart and mind transition. Now that our senses have been ignited, our values centered in self worth are emerging. We can now begin to create a detailed plan focused on living fully in our daily lives. Venus is emerging from the depths of her cathartic journey in the fixed fires of Leo. The Sun is moving into the mutable Earth sign of Virgo on the 23rd as an exalted Mercury in Virgo begins its third out of four retrograde phases in Earth signs this year.

This is a period that serves to support our Spiritual and human stability. The nervous system will be propelled into chaos again on August 28th when Uranus in Taurus stations retro. The cellular upgrades will be felt on a physical level. What can you do now to center the mind? How do you ground into Your body?



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