FEBRUARY: Pluto gets personal

We kick off the month of February with all planets in forward motion! No retrogrades until April 1st. However, our first eclipse of the year will occur at the end of March. We will be receiving some stellar support to carry us through the next two months. A time to gain some momentum.
All of the personal planets, Mercury, Mars, and then Venus will conjunct the power of Pluto as they cross over into Aquarius. We will feel this energy on the homefront, playing out in our everyday lives. The cosmic lovers Mars and Venus will finally catch up to each other and conjoin. Think back to mid-February 2022, when Mars carried Venus out of retrograde, and across the 0° mark of Aquarius. (literally on Valentine's Day) The difference this time in their biannual dance is that Pluto is now transiting Aquarius instead of Capricorn. How have you revolutionized your ideals regarding sacred union since then? Have you liberated yourself beyond the old programming regarding relationships? Have you revolutionized the yin/yang, masculine and feminine energies within yourself?
Wounded Healer, Chiron, will conjunct the North Node in Aries, promoting self-acceptance and echoing themes of self-empowerment. This is a real turning point for those of us who incarnated during the Chiron in Aries generation. "Own the skin you're in" now becomes an obtainable goal!
Most notably this month, as we shift into Pisces Season we will get to experience a rare Sun/Saturn/Mercury Cazimi in Pisces occurring on the 28th. This trifecta of inspiration also provides traction for goals as we move into the Aquarian age. Our future visions and desired dreams gain some serious staying power, contingent on our ability to trust our intuition, receive Divine guidance, and stay the course!
"One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life: that word is love." -Sophocles
February Key Aspects
5th: Mercury into Aquarius, conjuncts Pluto at 0°
9th: Aquarius New Moon at 20°
13th: Mars moves into Aquarius
14th: Mars conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius
16th: Venus moves into Aquarius
17th: Venus conjunct Pluto at 0° Aquarius
18th: Sun ingresses into Pisces, Pisces Season
19th: North Node conjoins Chiron at 16° Aries
22nd:Venus conjoins Mars at 6° Aquarius
23rd: Mercury moves into Pisces
24th: Virgo Full Moon at 5°
28th: Sun/Mercury/Saturn conjunction at 9° Pisces, CAZIMI