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Eclipse Calendar


Updated: Jan 18, 2024

The Eclipses occur in a set of signs that the lunar north and south nodes transit through for an 18-month period. From July of 2023 through January 2025, the Solar and Lunar eclipses occur in the signs of Aries and Libra. The North node represents what we are to actualize in Aries, and the South node represents the area of release in Libra. This is the axis of who I am and who I partner with. A "to thine own self be true" transit designed to re-establish our creative spirit and life force energy as we are preparing to shift collectively into the new Aquarian age.

The North node moving through the Cardinal initiatory Fire sign of Aries is a call to bravely and courageously embody the authentic self unapologetically. As the South node moves through the Cardinal Air sign of Libra, we can expect scrutiny on the balance, or lack thereof, in our intimate partnerships. This serves as an awareness and release of unreciprocated effort or patterns of behavior that minimize our own passions and desires. Ideally, as we become more self aware and empowered, we can show up more solid and beneficial in our relationships.

Look to houses that the signs Aries and Libra occupy in your personal chart. These are the areas in which these archetypal themes of rebalancing will play out as the eclipses occur. (Except for one out-of-sign eclipse in Pisces in September, which will provide a precursor for what is to come when the nodes shift into Pisces and Virgo in 2025 and 2026.)

"There is only one corner of the Universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self." -Aldous Huxley


Aries-North Node Libra-South Node

March 25th: (Full Moon) Penumbral Lunar Eclipse at 5° Libra • healthier boundaries

April 8th: (New Moon) Total Solar Eclipse at 19° Aries • self awareness and motivation

September 17th: (Full Moon) Partial Lunar Eclipse at 25° Pisces • inspiration, escapism

October 2nd: (New Moon) Annular Solar Eclipse at 10° Libra • letting go of an image



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