Capricorn New Moon-seeking a light in the dark
The final lunation of the calendar year occurs on December 30th when the Sun and Moon conjoin at 9° 44' Capricorn. This New Moon allows the Sun's conscious fire to become congruent with the Moon's deeper emotional knowing, setting the stage for serious new intentions. In the Saturn-ruled sign, there is a serious shaking off of what is dead, done, and must no longer weigh us down. As we celebrate the much anticipated Pluto exodus from Capricorn this year, we can now set our sites on creating structures that move us beyond the contrast of collapsing institutional powers of the past. Pluto, the Lord of the underworld, has just recently completed its 16-year transit through the hell of Capricorn. We are now in a place of planting seeds in seriously scorched soil. This can leave us with a sense of bare-bones weariness, especially if we have historically relied on the indoctrinated belief systems of past structures that were supposed to support us. We are at ground level, setting new intentions in post-collapse potential. The stage is now cleared for building new structures of stability as we reinvent life moving into this new era and a new calendar year.
Saturn, Lord of Karma and Father of Time, is the ruler of this lunation. Saturn is currently transiting the inspired sign of Pisces and stationed direct just last month, signaling it is time to create a new dream. The strong Capricorn ruler is sextile the luminaries in this New Moon supporting a new compassionate approach to growth as we intentionally create a new start. Their supportive connection to Saturn in Pisces during this new lunar cycle indicates that any intentions set in feeling and faith will be able to stick and stay. The spiritual structures will continue to solidify in 2025 as Saturn moves closer to Neptune, the Pisces ruler.
The palpable ongoing squares from Saturn in Pisces to Jupiter retrograde in Gemini are encouraging us to turn a corner on the past and to trust a higher spiritual grounding when deciding on new goals and dreams moving forward. Jupiter in the sign of Gemini indicates that our growth and abundance come through forging connections in our community as our new tribe is being formed, or our old tribe is being strengthened. All are contingent on our ability to break free from the shackles of the formidable systems of the past that seek to control us. This is a stellar time to collectively create new systems of society that we can believe in, which will supply support for the long term.
Personal strength is imbued in this New Moon as Chiron, The Wounded Healer, is stationing direct in Aries at 19 degrees on the 29th, just prior to the perfecting of this lunation. Aries, the sign of self, where the Lunar north node has been transiting for the last 17 months, is enabling us to own our authentic desires and get excited about life again by stoking the inner fires of our creative spirit. What internal healing has resulted in self-empowerment since April when Chiron began its retrograde? Are we ready to courageously co-collaborate as we build our new future?
As the Moon meets the Sun at almost 10 degrees of Capricorn, the sign of stability and prudent steadfastness, we are reviewing past obligations. We look to the house or houses these degrees occupy in our personal chart and utilize this energy to intentionally release any outdated sense of duty that no longer aligns with our future visions. We can engage in the archetypal energies of Capricorn strength and the ability to show up maturely, focus on our future goals, and forge new and lasting pathways for revolutionized systems of security and success.