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Image art by: Jaelyn Santiago

The Capricorn Full Moon is on the axis of the inner emotional world and the outer professional world, representing the origin and the outcome. Both luminaries, the Moon in Capricorn and the Sun in Cancer, are making harmonious aspects in the form of trines and sextiles to Jupiter in Taurus and Saturn retrograde in Pisces. Saturn is the ruler of this lunation and is reviewing the work required to see our dreams come to fruition. Jupiter is bringing in beneficial resources needed for individual personal abundance to be made manifest. Are we truly emotionally vested in creating something that will stand the test of time? What is being birthed with the Sun in the sign of the Divine Mother?

This Capricorn/Cancer polarity will continue and culminate by the end of Cancer season. Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn at the aneretic degree of completion, and in a karmic, T-square to the lunar nodes. As the Cancer Sun reaches 29° on the 21st and opposes Pluto, a Grand cross to the north and south node will be created. (Mercury will oppose Pluto on the 10th and first initiate the grand cross meaning in our minds as it squares the nodes.) What are the previous skipped steps in the process of your soul growth that are being brought to your conscious awareness? How can you work to integrate this into your future progress? Where is your personal power? Are you considering your emotional needs as you work with others?



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