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Capricorn Full Moon


The Capricorn Full Moon perfects shortly after the Solstice as the Sun arrives in Cancer. The archetypes of the mother and the father are represented in this culmination cycle. This is the first of two Capricorn full moons that will occur during Cancer season. This first one occurs on the first day at 1°, and the second one occurs on the last day at 29°, the degree of karmic completion. The main difference between the two is that Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is moving direct in Pisces along with Neptune now. During the second Full Moon, at the end of the season, Saturn and Neptune will be in retrograde.

These interesting occurrences take place just two months prior to Pluto's final retrograde in Capricorn in our lifetimes. A potent ending of past structures is upon us in the polarity of sensitivity and security, of Water and Earth, and ultimately work/home balance. What structures of old no longer supply support in these areas? How can we find comfort AND stability? Time to be our own mother and father, seeking support from Source perhaps?

🗝️The Full Moon is in a t-square to Neptune in Pisces...the safe stance between the opposite extremes.

Where do you find calm within the storm?

Full Moon Aspects:

Moon in Capricorn square Neptune in Pisces-spiritual surrender

Neptune square the Sun and Venus in Cancer-ambiguous feelings

Mars in Taurus sextile Venus and Mercury in Cancer-slow the pace

Neptune in Pisces sextile Pluto in Aquarius-power to bring visions to fruition



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