CANCER NEW MOON 7/17 at 24°

CANCER NEW MOON- July 17th at 24° of the emotional water sign. Something old must die in order for something new to be born. This is the organic process of regeneration. Even in death, there is the promise of rebirth. The human process persists. This is the human condition, or malady, if you will. How can we set new intentions to live in our own personal emotional alignment?
Usually I stand by the motto "if nothing changes, nothing changes" but in this potent and Karmic astrology, the cyclical nature of growth cannot be ignored or denied. Pluto does not play! We cannot even rollerskate uphill and transform the hard way. What we are currently working with is the Lord of the underworld at 29°, in a cardinal T-square to the lunar nodes of destiny, and our galaxy star in Cancer, in a New Moon, as the lunar axis shifts within hours of the lunation, as we are completing an almost 250 year Pluto cycle as humanity is ushered into a new age!
At this point, either we do it, or Pluto will do it for us! Fortunately, the personal planets, Mercury in Leo and Mars in Virgo, are providing the ability to initiate a plan for our new heroes journey. Dig into to your emotional authority. Release, let go, initiate the new, and intend to begin again. Create a world that FEELS LIKE HOME.
• moon & sun opposite pluto retro in capricorn
• new moon trine neptune retro in pisces
• new moon sextile uranus in taurus